Morning Prayer Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Good morning Living Stones family.

This is Day the Lord as made, let us all be glad and rejoice in it.

Having gone through the effects of the deadly Covid-19, one thing that it taught me was the importance of self-care.
I embarked on walking and running and that has now become part of my life.
Of late, in my usual exercising routines, I noticed the changes of vegetation as seasons change.
In the last few weeks we have seen the trees starting to lose their leaves, experienced more rain and windy days.
The green, dry and sunny days are fading away and this reminded me of this passage I came across one day in my reading.

Golden Leaves

We see signs of summer’s passing in golden leaves,
shortening days, misty mornings, autumn glow.
We sense its passing in rain that dampens,
winds that chill, Harvest’s bounty placed on show.
Creator God, who brings forth
both green shoot and hoar frost,
sunrise and sunset,
we bring our thanks
for seeds that have grown,
harvests gathered,
storehouses filled,
mouths fed.
And, as your good earth rests
through winter’s cold embrace,
we look forward to its re-awakening
when kissed by Spring’s first touch.

Author unknown

Verse of the Day

To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven.

Ecclesiastes 3: 1

Like the change of seasons, in our lives we also face many different times:
some of joy, some of weeping, some of multiplication and some of losses.
The Word of God reminds us that experiencing good and bad times is normal and to be expected in our lives.
Though it may be easy to hold on to to happy situations, we shouldn’t let sad circumstances cause us to lose hope.
God is with us in every season of our lives and we should find strength and hope to hold onto his promises.
God remains in control and working every situation in our lives for our good.
May he help us to brave the different times and seasons with calm and grace.
Let’s stand in hope of knowing God is with us and like the spring shoots anticipate the summer flowering;
God will turn around our dark days to brighter days in our individual lives, all for his Name to be glorified.



Father God, we draw near to you today choosing to forget yesterday.
Today is a new day, and we pray that may we start it powerfully,
knowing that you are in the midst of our lives to start a new thing in us.
We ask for your strength and wisdom for all that we will face, for we know in you Christ we are more than conquerors.
Through you all things are possible.
We ask for your protection today and look for the Holy Spirit to guide us past any hurdles and pitfalls the enemy may place in our paths.
Thank you for your protection, thank you that nothing can ever separate us from your love
even in the midst of the changing seasons in our everyday lives, and that you, Lord, will remain in control.
Be with us as we seek to adjust to our new situations and surroundings.
May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, today and always, to your honour and glory.
In Jesus’ name we pray.


The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever.


Blessed day, Living Stones

Grace Hunting