Category: Reflections

The Woman at the Well

To all intents and purposes the lectionary reading could be just another of the stories which we hear or read week after week after week. And whatever I might say, to me or to you, it is likely to go in one ear and not long later emerge out of the other. This is just the way things are!...

Human Trafficking in the 21st century

A report for the Mission and Social Responsibility Committee of the Church of Christ the Cornerstone Glynne Gordon-Carter January 2014 History In preparing this paper it would be remiss of me not to refer to the History of the Atlantic Slave Trade which was carried out from 1518–1865. Western European nations were actively involved in this...

Lost and Found

Sermon by the Revd Dr Margaret Goodall 15 September 2013 1 Timothy 1:12–17 and  Luke 15:1–10 “Mum, is God a grown-up or a parent?” A friend was confused by her 5-year-old’s question. “I’m not sure what you mean,” she said, “What’s the difference between grown-up and a parent?” “Well,” the child said, “Grown-ups love you when you’re good...

Sermon for Racial Justice Sunday 2013

Martha George Equality representative for the Church of Christ the Cornerstone Sunday 8 September 2013 Deuteronomy 30: 15-20 and Luke 14:25-33 These books address the law Much has been discussed during the latter part of August, concerning the famous speech given by Martin Luther King in the United States of America. I HAVE A DREAM. Racial...


Jamaican Independence

Sermon by Rt Revd Robert Thompson, Bishop of Kingston, Jamaica Sunday, 11 August 2013 Psalm 137:1 By the rivers of Babylon we sat down and wept; when we remember you, O Zion. These words speak to a context that is clearly different from ours today. Psalm 137 is a psalm for exiles, and that, we are...