Lent Meditations 2014: Journeying with God – Week Six: Imagining our future: ‘A house of prayer for all nations’?


Over the past few weeks you have been invited to reflect on what God might be calling us to. This is about us as individuals and also us as a church community. Where is our journey taking us? Jesus began his final journey in a blaze of excitement. Where did it take him?

  • Think about the journeys you have made recently. What were the highlights? Were there times when things became so difficult you wondered if you’d ever arrive?
  • You may have had the experience of travelling with someone, maybe a child, who keeps on asking, ‘Are we nearly there?’ almost from the moment you set out. Think again of journeys that you have made. How do you know when you have arrived?

If you are in a group, take time to talk about this.

Bible Readings

Philippians 2:5–11

This is one of the great passages in the New Testament. It speaks of who Jesus is and the journey that God has made for us.

  • If you had to create a picture of what you have read in these verses, what would it be like? (You might like to give this a go – or, if in a group, try to describe your picture to others.)
  • What are the journeys that Jesus makes in this passage? And why?

Matthew 21:1–13

A story where the whole city went wild with excitement – but there was a sting in the tail ….

  • What are the journeys that Jesus makes in this passage? And why?
  • Why does Jesus become so angry in the Temple?

Questions to consider

  • How do we respond to the journey that God makes towards us that is described in both these passages?
  • We read Matthew’s account of Palm Sunday. In Mark’s gospel the phrase, ‘A house of prayer’ is expanded to ‘A house of prayer for all nations’. What might this mean for us at Cornerstone?
  • If you have followed these Lent meditations for the past weeks, you may have been challenged by some of the questions. You may have had thoughts and ideas come to you as you have reflected and prayed. If you have been in a group, you may have had a chance to share these with others. We’d like to invite you now to share these with the Ministerial Team at Cornerstone if you believe that there is something that God has said to you that we need to hear.

For those working in a group, you may discuss some or all of these questions – or your conversation and prayer may take you somewhere else entirely. But the important thing is to take time to reflect and pray in whatever way is most appropriate for you.

Week Six: 13 April 2014


Excitement and gentleness

Lord Jesus, the crowd were excited to see you. Thank you for the things that make me excited and happy. My I be like those people in Jerusalem and welcome you into my life with joy, today and always.


Go and sit quietly and think about Jesus riding a gentle donkey. Pray for all leaders, that they will be humble, and all animals, that they will be treated kindly.


Is there someone who needs something that you could give them without them having to ask? Something they might be excited by?

This meditation can be downloaded as a PDF here: LENT-WEEK6