Prayer of the Week 4 September 2016
For the joy of human love,
brother, sister, parent, child,
friends on earth and friends above,
for all gentle thoughts and mild,
Lord of all, to thee we raise
our prayer of grateful praise.
The Church of Christ the Cornerstone
Baptist Union / Church of England / Methodist Church / Roman Catholic Church / United Reformed Church
by Robin.Kyd · 4 September 2016
For the joy of human love,
brother, sister, parent, child,
friends on earth and friends above,
for all gentle thoughts and mild,
Lord of all, to thee we raise
our prayer of grateful praise.
Registered charity number: 1202248
Address: 300 Saxon Gate West, Central Milton Keynes, Milton Keynes MK9 2ES
Phone: 01908 237777 (answered when the Cornerstone building is open)
Go to: Financial Giving to the Church of Christ the Cornerstone for full information.