Morning Prayer Friday, 5 June 2020
Good morning friends!
God is good?
All the time.
Praise God for his wonders and mercy, even in the middle of chaos!
How wonderful to wake up to a new day with endless promises ahead as well as challenges.
Let’s commit our day, hopes, dreams and worries to the Lord in prayer….
Gracious God, when our spirits are low,
our decisions hard, and our ways are stony,
kindly lift up our hearts by your spirit.
In our weakness give us strength to face our difficulties.
May we humbly build our hopes on you alone.
You lead us through joy and sorrow in ways we do not know,
and you watch over us,
and by helping others and repaying kindnesses
may our lives bear witness to the faith we profess.
We humbly ask this through our Saviour Jesus Christ.
Even at a time like this when we are apart,
let the word of Christ dwell in you richly,
reaching out to your sisters and brothers in Christ
on these social media platforms,
teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom,
singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
with thankfulness in your hearts to God.
Based on Colossians 3: 16
A poem by John O’Donohue (2008)
This is the time to be slow,
Lie low to the wall
Until the bitter weather passes.
Try, as best you can, not to let
The wire brush of doubt
Scrape from your heart
All sense of yourself
And your hesitant light.
If you remain generous,
Time will come good;
And you will find your feet
Again on fresh pastures of promise,
Where the air will be kind
And blushed with beginning.
From John O’Donohue (2008) To Bless the Space between Us
Let us pray to the Almighty God, who alone makes us dwell in safety:
For all who are affected by coronavirus,
through illness or isolation or anxiety,
that they may find relief and recovery:
Lord, hear us; Lord, graciously hear us.
For those who are guiding our nation at this time,
and shaping national policies,
that they may make wise decisions;
For doctors, nurses and medical researchers,
that through their skill and insights
many will be restored to health:
Lord, hear us, Lord, graciously hear us.
For the vulnerable and the fearful,
for the gravely ill and the dying,
that they may know your comfort and peace.
We commend ourselves, and all for whom we pray
to the mercy and protection of our merciful God.
Who we ask humbly to accept these prayers
for the sake of his Son,
our Saviour Jesus Christ.
And now friends,
may the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ
be sufficient for all your needs in the day ahead!
Peace ?))!
Revd George Mwaura