Morning Prayer Friday, 21 May 2021
Hush! Can you hear the Spirit?
Hello and welcome to morning prayer on another day of showers and sunshine
with expectation of some strong gusting winds.
Let us praise the Lord together!
Thank you, O God, for the breaking of this new day, for the light and warmth brought by the dawn,
for the sound of birdsong and the voices of community we hear around us.
Thank you for the love which surrounds us, the peace of the early moments of this Friday
and the hope renewed in our hearts through Jesus.
The day of Pentecost had come and they were all together in one place. Suddenly there came from the sky what sounded like a strong, driving wind, a noise which filled the whole house where they were sitting. And there appeared to them flames like tongues of fire distributed among them and coming to rest on each one. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to talk in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them power of utterance.
Acts 2: 1–4
Our story has come to the end of the beginning.
Fifty days after Passover the disciples and Jesus’ followers were marking harvest festival,
celebrating the gift of the covenant – the gift of God’s promise to sustain his people.
How appropriate that Jesus’ promise should be fulfilled on this day.
It marked the beginning of a new age when believers in the Jesus story would flood the earth,
when people grasped a new hope in a life ongoing,
a life lit from within by a compelling spirit to share the Good News story.
O God, as we prepare to mark the anniversary of the beginnings of the Christian Church,
keep us aware today of chances to make a new start, to hit the re-set button and begin again.
To clear the dust of yesterday from the corners of our lives
and light the fire of fresh commitment to you, to our fellowship and to our community.
Help us see that the old ways of resentment and retribution have been swept away by the power of forgiveness,
the power of one hand reaching out for another.
Empower us to live this day in your forgiveness,
spreading your message of life renewed in all we may do and say.
This time of year, I would usually open wide the windows to air the house,
to let the fresh spring breeze clear out the corners,
to bring in the scent of everything green and new.
It’s been a bit open and close this spring,
dashing to keep the weather out at the first sound of thunder, rain or hail.
The forecast this week even advised lashing down anything moveable against the coming gale.
Yet I yearn for that breeze, that special spring light, that spiritual lift to protect me
from being brought down by the bad news I so often hear all around me.
O God, bless your people with awareness of your presence in our lives and in our world.
Keep Joy and Joan and Eric and Sue secure in your comforting love.
Make us instruments of your power that we may convince the nations to embrace peace.
Give us confidence that we may open our church to everyone seeking renewal.
Revive your forgiveness within us that the examples of our harmonious life together
may inspire our city to grasp this common purpose to the benefit of us all.
Hush, now, as you start the day – can you hear the Spirit?