Evening Prayer Friday, 30 April 2021

I imagine that any of you who have visited Iona will recognise the picture above.
It is many years since we went there,
but the atmosphere of the island made a real impression on me.
I think of it still each time we have a prayer from the Iona community
or use hymns written by John Bell or Graham Maule.

I recently came across a hymn from Iona, which John Bell has written,
translated from text by Hans-Olav Moerk, for these times.
There are several recordings of it available on the internet, but I have chosen this one,
partly because it is followed by another charming video,
also entitled, ‘We shall meet’, which I enjoyed and would like to share with you.
So let’s watch and listen to the hymn, ‘We will meet when the danger is over’.
If you let it run, it will go straight on to the second video.

‘We Will Meet’ – Bing video

So, let us pray:

Loving God, we offer you our praise and thanksgiving
for all that you have done and continue to do for us.

We thank you especially, today, for talented writers, poets and musicians,
who share their gifts so that we can more effectively offer you our praise.

We pray for all who have been brought low by the need for isolation over the last year,
that they may soon be able to experience again those aspects of their life which bring them joy.

Christ, our light, bring light and joy to your people today.

We pray for people who have lost their confidence
and who may find it difficult to return to the life they knew before lockdown.
Grant them the strength to face their fears,
and the friendship of those who may identify their needs and seek to help them.

Christ, our light, bring light and joy to your people today.

We pray for timid people, especially some children,
who found solace in the restricted opportunities of the last year,
which protected them from needing to engage with others.
May they find courage and support to help them to reintegrate,
and kindness from those who interact with them.

Christ, our light, bring light and joy to your people today.

And now we look beyond our own circle
to see the needs of God’s people in other places.

Our hearts go out to the people of India,
whose suffering overwhelms us even at this distance.

We pray for all families who have been seriously affected by the impact of the coronavirus:

Those who have lost loved ones,
and fear that they or other friends and family members may contract the virus too.

Those who have been turned away from hospital
because there are no more free beds available.

Nurses and doctors who, exhausted and coping with their own bereavements,
continue to try to relieve the suffering of others.

Jesus Christ, light of the world, bring light to the lives of those who suffer.

We pray for the worldwide church, linked with us through our common faith
and knowledge and love of you.
We think of those whose countries are even more devasted
by the impact of coronavirus than we are.
We pray that they may be sustained through this difficult time by their faith in you.

Jesus Christ, light of the world, bring light to the lives of those who suffer.

Thank you, Loving God, that you make the sun rise and fall each day of our lives.
We trust in your goodness, just as we trust that the sun will rise again in the morning.
So, as the sun falls beyond the horizon,
let us remember that you are the light of the world.
Let us be assured that the sun will come up tomorrow and drive away all darkness.

Grant us, Lord God, a vision of our world as your love would make it:

a world where the weak are protected, and none go hungry or poor;
a world where different races and cultures live in tolerance and mutual respect;
a world where peace is built with justice, and justice is guided by love.

And grant us the inspiration and courage to help to build it,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Rosemary Kearsey