Evening Prayer Friday, 21 August 2020

Good evening, friends.
Welcome to our Friday evening prayer time.

I’m one of those who has been living a very different life for the last five months or so.
From having a diary filled with appointments and meetings,
out of the house for at least a couple of days a week, and parts of other days,
I’ve spent very little time away from home.
I’ve only been out of our village for a few visits to my father-in-law in Herne Bay
and a couple of trips into Milton Keynes.
Most of my walking is local, and much of my interaction with other people is over the internet.

I think this change of routine has suited me quite well –
I seem to be more contented with my lot than some people I know.
But I find there is a danger that I am overlooking some of the real difficulties that others are experiencing.
So, this evening, I would like to provide us all with the opportunity
to bring to God those people for whom life is difficult
and who are finding the present situation oppressive and restrictive.

Let us pray:

Loving God, we thank you for all the benefits which have come to us in recent weeks.
Some of us have enjoyed the chance to slow down,
others to have more time to ourselves or to be with close family,
others to catch up with projects which may have lain unfinished for years.
But tonight we bring to you all those people for whom the lockdown and subsequent restricted movement
has been challenging or frustrating or has put a strain on normal life and increased stress.

We pray for people who are trying to juggle work and child care,
missing the support of grandparents or help outside the family,
but unable to stay home themselves for financial reasons
or because others depend on them to continue with their work.

We pray that they may find practical solutions to their difficulties and peace of mind.

Lord, hear us, we pray,
and answer our prayers.

We pray for children and young people who have been experiencing anxiety this week about the prospect of returning to school,
about the confusion over the assessments, about the maintenance and renewal of friendships.
Young people today face many challenges which for many have been exacerbated by the restrictions of the last few months.
We pray for those who are anxious about returning to school, that you will calm their fears;
for those who are excited, that they may have their expectations fulfilled;
for those moving to a new school, that they may have the chance to say goodbye to the teachers and friends they knew.

Lord, hear us, we pray,
and answer our prayers.

We pray for those who were furloughed and have now lost their job.
Unemployment presents people with practical and emotional problems at the best of times,
but to find yourself jobless now, must be even harder.

We pray that as life returns to normal, new opportunities will arise
and that some people may find a different direction or a new challenge
which will give them equal or, perhaps more fulfilment.

Lord, hear us, we pray,
and answer our prayers.

We pray for people who have been separated from family or friends.
Modern communications may have eased this problem for some, but the loneliness may still be deeply felt.
Loss of the chance to see and hear, to be close to, to touch others – these things are irreplaceable.

We pray that many will soon be reunited in the flesh, and experience the joy they hope for in that meeting

Lord, hear us, we pray,
and answer our prayers.

We pray for homeless people, who, having been found somewhere safe to live during the lockdown,
may now be anxious about their long-term future.
We thank you that some MPs have raised concern now about the possibility of evictions
when the special circumstances change, and pray that an alternative way forward will be found.

Lord, hear us, we pray,
and answer our prayers.

We pray now for those who will still be lonely when for everybody else things return to ‘normal’.
Those who have lost friends through death;
those whose friends or family have established new routines which no longer include them;
those who have become scared to go out and mix with others, because they still fear the virus.
Give them the courage to seek new contacts or re-establish those relationships which have faltered.
Help us to reach out to those who are friendless and encourage them back into society.

Lord, hear us, we pray,
and answer our prayers.

Lord, we know that you listen to our prayers,
so we confidently place into your hands all those things which challenge us
and ask that you will grant us peace.


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