Daily Prayers Wednesday, 9 March 2022

Prayers for the Day, Wednesday

Good morning Cornerstone Friends.

An Iona prayer to start the day.

O God,
early in the morning
when the world was young,
you made life in all its beauty and terror;
you gave birth to all that we know.
Hallowed be your name.

Early in the morning,
when the world least expected it,
a new born child crying in a cradle
announced that you had come among us,
that you were one of us.
Hallowed be your name.

Early in the morning,
surrounded by self-interested religious leaders,
anxious statesmen
and silent friends,
you accepted the penalty for doing good,
for being God:
you shouldered and suffered the cross.
Hallowed be your name.

Early in the morning,
a voice in a guarded graveyard
and footsteps in the dew
proved that you had risen,
that you had come back
to those and for those
who had forgotten, denied and destroyed you.

O God, bring new life
where we are worn and tired,
new love
where we have turned hard-hearted,
where we have wounded,
and the joy and freedom of your Holy Spirit
where we are the prisoners of our selves.

To all and to each,
where regret is real,
God pronounces pardon
and grants us the right to begin again.
Thanks be to God!

And now one of the readings chosen for today, Psalm 17.

Lord hear my plea for justice, give heed to my cry; listen to the prayer from my lips, for they are innocent of all deceit.
Let your judgement be given in my favour; let your eyes discern what is right.
You have tested my heart and watched me all night long; you have assayed me and found no malice in me.
Guided by the words of your lips, I have observed the deeds of mortals, their violent ways.
My steps have held steadily to your paths; my feet have not faltered.
God, I call upon you, for you will answer me. Bend down your ear to me, listen to my words.
Show me how marvellous is your unfailing love: your right hand saves those who seek sanctuary from their assailants.
Guard me like the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings from the wicked who do me violence, from deadly foes who throng around me.
They have stifled all compassion; their mouths utter proud words; they press me hard, now they hem me in, on the watch to bring me to the ground.
The enemy is like a lion hungry for prey, like a young lion crouching in ambush.
Arise, Lord, confront them and bring them down, save my life from the wicked; make an end of them with your sword.
With your hand, Lord, make an end of them; thrust them out of this world from among the living. May those whom you cherish have food in plenty, may their children be satisfied and their little ones inherit their wealth.
My plea is just: may I see your face and be blest with a vision of you when I awake.

Now let us bring the war in Ukraine and the needs of all its people before God in a prayer from Christian Aid.

Lord of all people and nations,
We lift before you the people of Ukraine and the people of Russia. Each girl and boy, each woman and man living in fear of what tomorrow might bring. We long for a time you spoke of through your prophet Isaiah when weapons of war would be beaten into ploughshares, when nation will no longer lift up sword against nation. We cry out to you for peace. Please Lord come and have your way in your world, may your will be done here, on earth as it is in heaven. May your peace reign. Now and always. We lift this prayer to you, our God, who is able to do more than we can ever ask or imagine, in the name of Christ our Saviour.

I heard a man in this country interviewed on the radio. He was asked about his 85 year old mother who lives in a city in Ukraine. He had not been able to contact her for several days. She is bedridden and totally reliant on neighbours for support. And many of them are having to flee the country. Thousands of innocent people must be desperate for help throughout the country.

Heavenly Father, we pray for all those caught up in this terrible war. For soldiers and civilians alike. For men having to say goodbye to their wives and children as they flee to safely. We pray that they will be kept safe and soon reunited. We pray for older and all vulnerable civilians who must remain where they are in fear, desperation, sadness, loneliness and hunger. May they feel your strengthening power and keep hope alive. And may we do all we can to support those in need through our on going prayers and if we can by donations of money, food or goods. We ask all this in Jesus’ name.

Here at home, we know that all covid restrictions have been lifted. But numbers of cases are still high and many vulnerable people are even more anxious now about going out and about.

Loving Father, please help us all to play our part in continuing to be considerate to the needs of others so that everyone can be kept safe.

Have a blessed day, Cornerstone Friends.

Rosemary Goldie