Daily Prayers Friday, 24 June 2022

Prayers for the Day, Friday


Welcome, Friends, to Midsummer’s Day! I’m afraid I didn’t rise at 4.30 am along with the sun to test the alignment of Midsummer Boulevard, but it is proving to be a day for enjoying God’s creation.

Thank you, Lord, for bringing us to the beginning of this soft and lovely summer’s day. May today and the lives we live in it reflect your glory.


At the front of our house is a wonderful stand of shasta daisies, just coming into their prime at midsummer, standing straight and very tall in the sun. Over a week ago we had quite a storm with driving rain and heavy wind. A few daisies were blown and beaten to the ground but immediately, once the storm had passed, they raised their heads to the sky and tried to raise themselves up. I brought them into the house, thinking they would soon die, but here they are, a bit twisted but still glorious. The resilience of creation (with some good soil and a drop of fertilizer from me) is astounding.

Thank you, Lord, for the wonder of this world, for the environment entrusted to our care and the zest for life everywhere we look. Nurture that passion in us to live every moment in unity with the world around us. Inspire us to keep faith with the good earth, regardless of the setbacks we may encounter on the way.


In the developing world many subsistence farmers are women. Every farmer learns dogged determination and a fierce hope, reminiscent of this biblical character from Matthew 15:

Jesus then withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. A Canaanite woman from those parts came to meet him, crying, ‘Son of David! Have pity on me; my daughter is tormented by a devil.’ But he said not a word in reply. His disciples came and urged him: ‘Send her away! See how she comes shouting after us.’ Jesus replied, ‘I was sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel and to them alone.’ But the woman came and fell at his feet and cried, ‘Help me, Sir.’ Jesus replied, ’It is not right to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs.’ ‘True, Sir,’ she answered, ‘and yet the dogs eat the scraps that fall from their master’s table.’ Hearing this Jesus replied, ‘What faith you have! Let it be as you wish!’ And from that moment her daughter was restored to health.

Matthew 15: 21–28

Thank you Lord for your steadfast love and care for all, freely given, without deserving, to those who just ask.
We pray for Margaret Horner as she prepares to bloom in your presence.
We pray for Revd George Mwaura as he sets off on a three-month adventure in faith in the nourishing communities of Kenya.
We pray for our world full of devastating war.
We pray for our city, newly made, and struggling to become the dream for everyone who comes here.
We pray for ourselves that we may offer true hospitality in CMK to everyone seeking refreshment.

Bless us, Lord, with perseverance to keep asking. In the name of Christ our Redeemer we pray.


Let’s go out into the world today surrounded with God’s Good Grace!

Cheryl Montgomery