Remembrance Sunday – How do we live as God calls us to do?
We all have our own stories to tell – the things that we remember, that have been good positive memories or painful difficult ones. Sometimes things turn out well, despite the difficulties, and sometimes they don’t. In times of war, people so often find themselves running- sometimes to safety, sometimes to even greater danger and they may find that people help them or they may not. But it’s not just the big international situations of conflict that may be part of our story. We may have been bullied: at school, at work, at home. We may have neighbours we can’t cope with. We may have conflicts at home, in our churches, our neighbourhoods. And in all this Matthew’s gospel has Jesus telling us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. How do we begin to do that? Is it even reasonable to expect us to? ( to read more click on the title)