Go for it! It might not work- but it might be life changing!

This week’s account from Mark’s gospel (Mark 5:21-43) has at least 2 stories sandwiched together.  Two people – Jairus a synagogue ruler and an unnamed woman prepared to take the risks of approaching Jesus.  Two women- a daughter on the brink of adulthood and a woman who’s been struggling with health, finance and being on the edge of society whose lives were turned upside down- because, despite all the obstacles, all the reasons why they might have kept away – they met with Jesus.

We can do that too.  That’s what it means to live the Good News that God reveals to us in Jesus Christ.  Church is not about keeping things safe, but about taking the risks that the things that we do and the words that we say might change people’s lives, maybe even ours.  Can we really do that?  I believe we can – if we are ready to trust God’s promises.