Category: Reflections

Come, Holy Spirit, come…..

Does God need an invitation? That’s not how it was on that Pentecost day. The believers were together, and were blown away ( not quite literally) by what they experienced. So were the people they met when they went out onto the streets. It was Peter who preached the sermon, but the tongues of fire rested on every one of them. God doesn’t need an invitation to come into the world, that’s already happened. But the followers of Jesus do need to ready to respond when God calls us and if we’re ready to walk with God, wherever that might be, who knows what might happen. John’s Gospel tells us that the Spirit of God will challenge pretty much every preconceived idea that we, or others, might have about life, the universe and everything. (John 16: 8ff) Are we ready for that? Is the world?

We’re in an in-between time….

Sometimes we feel that waiting times are wasted times.  Yesterday at Cornerstone Archdeacon Karen Gorham reminded us that the first followers of Jesus used the time between Jesus leaving them at the Ascension and the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost to meet together, to reflect and remember and the pray.  They didn’t plan because...

How do we see God’s love?

There were two very famous texts in the readings for Sunday, 3 May 2015: ‘God is love’ (1 John 4 : 8) and ‘I am the true vine, and my Father is the vine-grower’ (John 15 : 1). God’s love is shown by the gift of God’s own life flowing through Jesus the true vine into us, but only if we choose to be and to stay connected, and to accept all that goes with that decision. Often we think that love is a feeling, an overpowering emotion, but God’s love is shown by actions. Love means deciding to do what is good for another person before what seems best for myself. This is not so rare as it seems. Lots of people have chosen to give to the appeal for Nepal rather than spend their cash another way, and that is love, connecting people to each other and to God, who is always closer than we think. (Marian Ballance)

Christ is alive!

This will always be the latest news.  It was news on that first Easter Sunday, when no-one could quite believe it. Jesus’ followers and those who wished him gone were all quite sure that he was dead.  You don’t hang on a cross in that way and survive it. But the truth that began to dawn on them all was that God had done what was promised and had broken through death and Christ is alive.