Advent Meditations 2014: Through Despair to Hope – Week Two: Through wilderness to wonder?


There are so many accounts in the Bible about God’s people finding themselves in wildernesses of varying kinds. Often they spend years wandering, not sure where God is leading them or how they will know when they have arrived. What they often seem to find is the wonder of God, not in their arriving, but in the journey.

Think about a time when you went on a journey and found yourself stuck.

  • How did that feel?
  • Were there any good things about it?
  • Did you learn anything about yourself in that time?

If you are in a group, take time to talk about this.

Bible Readings

Isaiah 40:1–11

This passage speaks of clearing a path through the wilderness and a highway across the desert for God. This imagery is perhaps how you would prepare for a royal procession.

  • What kinds of wildernesses have you experienced?
  • How have you encountered God in them?
  • What would it mean to you to ‘clear a path’ for God?

Mark 1:1–8

This is Mark’s account of the beginning of the Jesus story. There are no angels, no stables, no shepherds or wise men. It is John the Baptist who lets the world know about the coming of Christ.

  • John lived in the wilderness. What can we learn from that?
  • How was what John was doing clearing a path for Jesus?
  • Where do you see the wonder in this account?

Questions to consider

  • Where is wonder to be found in the really difficult experiences of our lives?
  • Are there any ways in which we can share that wonder with others who simply cannot see through the brambles?

If you are working in a group, then you may discuss some or all of these questions – or your conversation and prayer may take you somewhere else entirely. The important thing is to take time to reflect and pray in whatever way is most appropriate for you.

Week Two: 7 December 2014

Through Wilderness to Wonder

It took just one lonely man: a weirdo in the wilderness, splashing precious water; a shouting witness to the new world on its way, when deepest grey gives way to rainbows, easy walking replaces a rocky road and guilt itself will dissolve away.

Lord, help me rejoice in the wonder of forgiveness. Give me joy in the sparkle, the tinsel, the lights. Keep me surprised by the arrival of each new day.


This meditation can be downloaded as a PDF here: Advent Meditations Week 2.