Category: Prayer of the Week

Prayer of the Week 9 July 2023

Jesus, you call us to accept your yoke that is easy, and your burden that is light.
Show us your ways and keep us from burdening ourselves or others with things that are not from you.

Prayer of the Week 2 July 2023

Your affection for your disciples, Lord, shines out of your care expressed in this title, ‘little ones’,
which you gave to them. You were aware they were going out as lambs among wolves,
you knew they would need help and support, given through a generous, warm and comforting welcome.
You ask us, Lord, to continue to be open to receiving your little ones,
those who continue to be faithful to the work required by being faithful to your command
to go tell everyone your good news. Abide with us, merciful God. in Jesus’ name.

Prayer of the Week 25 June 2023

Loving God, as we come before you today yearning to learn the mystery of the Lord’s supper,
we pray that you will be with us by your spirit.
Open our minds by the power of your Holy Spirit
that we might get a glimpse of your great love for us
and the huge sacrifice you made on the cross through your son.
May we feel your presence and be filled with your grace today and always.

Prayer of the Week 18 June 2023

Restless God, we know that you never rest in your love and concern for all of creation.
We know that you ceaselessly search us out,
calling us to be here together in prayer and song and word.
We know that you do not rest until justice rains down on the earth and until mercy flows like a river.
We are your people, your community, your family.
Today we open ourselves to your restless Spirit,
God of all creation we live in expectation of your work in our lives.


Prayer of the Week 11 June 2023

Merciful God who welcomes us all,
no matter who we are,
no matter where we are from,
no matter what we have done,
no matter what our successes or failures in life so far have been,
we gather together before you, as your children, knowing we are welcome.

Prayer of the Week 4 June 2023

Mysterious and Holy God, faithful and unchanging:
open our minds with the knowledge of your truth,
and bring us ever closer into the mystery of who you are and your love for us
so that we may truly worship you, as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.

Prayer of the Week 28 May 2023

God of resurrection and Ascension,
on Pentecost day you taught the hearts of your faithful people
by sending to them the light of your Holy Spirit.
Through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, you revealed the way of eternal life to every race and nation.
Pour out this same gift anew to us we pray, that by the preaching of the Gospel
your salvation may reach to the ends of the earth;
through Jesus Christ our Lord, who promised this gift.

Prayer of the Week 21 May 2023

O God, the King of Glory, hear our prayer:
that as we believe your Son Jesus Christ to be exalted with great triumph to your kingdom in heaven;
so also we may know his presence with us now, and to the end of time;
who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end.

Prayer of the Week 14 May 2023

God, gardener of Eden, who flung stars into space and nurtures the tiniest plant,
lift our hopes and dreams above the loss and damage of our suffering planet
that we might share your long-dreamed vision which values the pea as much as the plant,
fill us with your life-giving hope and inspire us with your creative Spirit now, and in the age to come.

Prayer of the Week 7 May 2023

God of surprises, you go on ahead to prepare a place for us.
We hope and believe that it will be a place where: barriers are broken to reflect your justice.
A place where life is lived to reflect your righteousness.
A place where wholeness and well-being reflect your peace.
A place of quiet gentleness to reflect your compassion.
A place of warm-hearted tenderness to reflect your love.
A place of graceful selflessness to reflect your humility.
But we live in the here and now, and as we wait with anticipation and hope,
we build your kingdom right here and right now.

Prayer of the Week 30 April 2023

Loving God, we are gathered here safely in the presence of a true shepherd,
secure in the knowledge that you love us and you will never abandon us to the wolves of this world.
You would rather give up your life to protect us.
But quite often, Lord, we get lost in the alluring pastures of this world
and you abandon everything to search and bring us back to the fold.
Thank you that we have safety and security of your abundant forgiveness
and provision in your Kingdom.

Prayer of the Week 23 April 2023

Living God; as we travel the journey of life,
sometimes we are sad and discouraged, and don’t recognise your presence.
Forgive us and help us.
As we travel through new experiences, sometimes we are confused and afraid,
and forget to look for you among the unfamiliar.
Forgive us and help us.
As we meet new people, some who have different ideas and views from our own,
some who challenge and make us feel uncomfortable, we fail to see you at work in them.
Forgive us and help us.
As we listen to old familiar Bible stories,
sometimes we neglect to look for new opportunities among the well-known words.
Forgive us and help us.

Prayer of the Week 16 April 2023

Father God, you are always there for us, whether we feel it or not.
Lord Jesus, you come to us today, and say: ‘Peace be with you’
we open our hearts and receive your perfect peace into our imperfect doubting lives.
Holy Spirit, you lead us to the fullness of joy; we can’t wait to experience you more.
Come, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Prayer of the Week 9 April 2023

Heavenly Father, help us to recognise Jesus as the one who comes in your name,
as the one who blesses and saves us.
As we explore your Word this morning,
may we offer true praise and adoration in our worship,
may we be open to learn more about your ways,
and may we resolve to walk the road with Jesus every day.

Prayer of the Week 2 April 2023

God of Easter and great sacrifices, we worship you today,
and welcome you into the streets of our hearts as King of kings.
Your love does not fade; its strength endures, stretching out across history, beyond time and space.
Such love we cannot fathom; we can only marvel at a love so big.
We thank you for your great love and sacrifice for us