Category: News

Advent Groups

Small groups will be meeting at the church for three weeks starting on 30 November. They will meet at Monday lunch time at 1.00 pm, on Wednesday evening at 7.30 pm and there will also be an early evening group beginning at 5.30 pm if there is demand for this.

The topic for the discussions will be ‘Light in dark times’ and each session will include Bible study, reflection, discussion and prayer.

If you are interested in joining a group please contact Rosemary Goldie or sign up on the sheet in Reception.

Cornerstone’s Vision and Mission: Leading Prayer

Cornerstone’s Vision and Mission: Leading Prayer

What does prayer mean to you? What is the difference to private prayer and public prayer? What does prayer mean in the context of Christ the Cornerstone? These were some of the questions discussed during a workshop at the Church on Saturday 22nd August.

The workshop was open to anyone in Church who is interested in leading prayer in worship. It began with a discussion about the use of music and images in prayer and how they can be used to stir the imagination and awaken the senses.

What a difference a week makes…

This week is Christian Aid week.  It’s a week that makes a huge difference for the work that they can do, both with the emergency work, like responding to the earthquakes in Nepal, and the ongoing projects such as the work in Ethiopia that is highlighted in this Christian Aid week.  Check out our facebook page for...

What does a community centred on Christ look like?

This was the question that the congregations at Cornerstone were asked this Sunday (26 April 2015). The Bible readings from Acts chapter 4 and John chapter 10 spoke of God going to any lengths to include people, but recognised that we needed to want that for it to be real. So what one word would you use to describe that Christ-centred, resurrection community. Check out our facebook page to see what we said.

Christ is alive!

This will always be the latest news.  It was news on that first Easter Sunday, when no-one could quite believe it. Jesus’ followers and those who wished him gone were all quite sure that he was dead.  You don’t hang on a cross in that way and survive it. But the truth that began to dawn on them all was that God had done what was promised and had broken through death and Christ is alive.

Cornerstone Lent Groups

Two groups will be meeting at church: one at 1.00 pm on Mondays, 23 February and 2, 9, 16 & 23 March and one at 7.30 pm on Thursdays, 26 February and 5, 12, 16 & 23 March. We shall be studying material produced by the Ministerial Team. We are hoping for a really good response and it would be very helpful...

CAFOD Supper & Quiz

7.00 pm on Saturday, 28 February 2015 in the Guildhall An opportunity to have an Indian meal with friends, to learn more about CAFOD’s work and to raise money to help with the work of CAFOD. Tickets are £7 per person and need to be bought by 22 February.

Lighting the Christmas Tree

The Christmas Tree in front of the church will be lit on Saturday, 29 November 2014, starting at 7.00 pm. There will be music, singing, entertainment and refreshments.

Cornerstone Christmas Dance

The Christmas Dance will be held this year 7.30–11.30 pm on Friday, 28 November 2014. This year, we welcome the return of popular local entertainer James Goff. An excellent buffet meal is included, all for £18 per person. Tickets are now available in the Cornerstone Shop or from Bob Collard.

Bach’s Magnificat: 7.30 pm Sunday, 23 November 2014

Concert programme Purcell: Ode on St Cecilia’s Day Bach: Cantata – Sleepers Awake Bach: Magnificat Cornerstone Chamber Choir and Orchestra Emma Brain Gabbott (soprano) Daniel Collins (counter-tenor) Nathan Vale (tenor) Tristan Hambleton (bass) Madeleine Mitchell (leader) Adrian Boynton (conductor) Tickets £16 (concessions £15); £13 (concessions £12) ; children £5


Monday, 27 October – Friday, 31 October Calling all of you Years 7–13. October half term – an opportunity to join together with young people from across Milton Keynes for fun, learning about what it means to be a Christian, working together in projects to help and meet other people. If you missed out on it last year,...