All Age Service on Baptism – Live Streamed – Sunday, 12 March 2023
An All Age Service led by Revd Ernesto Lozada-Uzuriaga.
Click on the title above for the live stream video and details of the service.
The Church of Christ the Cornerstone
Baptist Union / Church of England / Methodist Church / Roman Catholic Church / United Reformed Church
An All Age Service led by Revd Ernesto Lozada-Uzuriaga.
Click on the title above for the live stream video and details of the service.
Loving God, you gave us your only-begotten Son, to take our nature upon him
and you revealed him to us at his baptism in the river Jordan.
Today, as we remember our baptism and its implication in our lives,
grant that we, who have been born again of water and the Holy Spirit,
and made your children by adoption and grace, may be renewed everyday by your Holy Spirit,
through him that died to redeem us for you.
A Service of Holy Communion led by Revd Ernesto Lozada-Uzuriaga. Revd George Mwaura is preaching.
Click on the title above for the live stream video and details of the service.
As a gathered church, we approach the maker of heaven and earth,
with love in our hearts and hope in our minds.
We who live on earth approach the God who breathes the creative wind
across our world, and praise the name of Yahweh.
We who live as a fallen humanity approach the God who lives in perfect harmony,
and seek love, forgives and guidance in the name of Jesus.
Christ our redeemer,
when you were tempted in the wilderness, you resisted the temptation to be of the world:
we praise and worship you.
When tempted by bread; you chose the word of God.
When tempted to be spectacular, you chose humility.
When tempted by riches and powers, you chose servanthood.
We are humbled and forever grateful for the example you set for us.
Revd Tim Norwood is taking up a new role as National Adviser on Local Ecumenism for the Church of England, based in Lambeth Palace, starting on 1 May 2023. He will be leaving his post as Area Dean of Milton Keynes, a post which he has held for sixteen years, during which time he has been a great friend to the Church of Christ the Cornerstone.
Revd Tim Norwood’s final service as Area Dean will be at the Church of Christ the Cornerstone at 6:00 pm on the evening of Sunday, 5 March 2023. This Service will be Evensong. There will be a presentation, and after the Service there will be refreshments. All are invited to attend. The Service will also be live-streamed.
A Service of Holy Communion led by Revd George Mwaura and Revd Ernesto Lozada-Uzuriaga. The guest preacher is Revd Daphne Preece.
Click on the title above for the live stream video and details of the service.
Eternal God, your Son and our Saviour was glorified on earth together with you,
with the glory which he had with you before the world was.
We thank you for sending him so that we could all be saved
and that we could have an example on how to lead lives that are pleasing to you here on earth.
On this Transfiguration Sunday, we thank you for the glorification of your Son
and the power that was made known in him,
because we believe that we too can experience your power here on earth
through the Spirt he promised and sent.
Sermon for Racial Justice Sunday delivered at the 10.00 am Service at the Church of Christ the Cornerstone by Bishop Joe Aldred of the Church of Christ of Prophecy. Click on the heading above to see the full text of the sermon.
A Service of the Word for Racial Justice Sunday led by Revd George Mwaura and Revd Ernesto Lozada-Uzuriaga. The guest preacher is Bishop Dr Joe Aldred, the Church of God of Prophecy.
Click on the title above for the live stream video and details of the service.
Redeeming Christ, during your time on earth,
you were sought by people from all corners of the earth.
You listened to their cry for help, treated them with dignity, love and compassion,
and brought them healing and wholeness when they asked of you.
Grant us the wisdom as your church in our own time
to provide to all those who we encounter in society the help that they need
and the care that they require.
Guide us to respond to the invitation of the Holy Spirit to dream of a world made new,
where the poor are not forgotten
but given the opportunity to live and flourish with good health and equal prospects.
A Service of Holy Communion led by Revd Ernesto Lozada-Uzuriaga. Revd George Mwaura is preaching.
Click on the title above for the live stream video and details of the service.
Creating God, you are the perfect Light of revelation,
and as you shone in the life of Jesus, whose epiphany we celebrate,
so shine in us and through us,
that we may become beacons of truth and compassion,
enlightening all creation with deeds of justice and mercy.
Set us free, from the bondage of our sins,
and give us the liberty of that abundant life which you have made known to us in your Son
that we may truly be the salt and the light in our communities.
Holocaust Memorial Service led by Revd Ernesto Lozada-Uzuriaga. Revd George Mwaura is preaching.
Click on the title above for the live stream video and details of the service.
Gracious God, you listen attentively to the cry of holocaust
yet also encourage us to sing the song of hope.
With sorrow we remember before you the tangled tale of our bonds with the Jewish people.
We repent of the centuries of hostility and hatred.
May we continue to foster a new spirit of mutual understanding, building deeper relationships
which honour the heritage of faith that we hold in common,
so that together we may bear witness to the generosity of God’s compassion and steadfast love,
which seeks to bring heaven in ordinary here on earth.
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Address: 300 Saxon Gate West, Central Milton Keynes, Milton Keynes MK9 2ES
Phone: 01908 237777 (answered when the Cornerstone building is open)
Go to: Financial Giving to the Church of Christ the Cornerstone for full information.