Holy Communion with Baptism – Live Streamed – Sunday, 19 November 2023
Holy Communion with Baptism. Celebrant: Revd Ernesto Lozada-Uzuriaga. Preacher: Revd George Mwaura. Click on the title above for the live stream video.
The Church of Christ the Cornerstone
Baptist Union / Church of England / Methodist Church / Roman Catholic Church / United Reformed Church
Holy Communion with Baptism. Celebrant: Revd Ernesto Lozada-Uzuriaga. Preacher: Revd George Mwaura. Click on the title above for the live stream video.
Creator God, who has furnished us with all that we have, we give you praise and thanks.
Remind us of our gifts when we lose sight of them. Show us where and how to share them.
Give us the courage to offer them freely, as you give to us.
What others may seek to destroy, help us to protect and care,
and give us the conviction to stand fast when we are called to do so.
This we ask of you, in Jesus’ name.
Service of the Word for Remembrance Sunday led by Revd George Mwaura, with Revd Ernesto Lozada-Uzuriaga preaching.
Click on the title above for the live stream video and details of the service.
[Minister] God of all nations; we pray for those who have been injured or disabled through war;
[Men] for those who have lost homes and security through conflict;
for those who have lost loved relatives in wars;
for those who face danger and take risks for peace.
[Women] We pray for all those, especially children, caught up in current conflicts;
for refugees and all those in need of aid and other help.
[Minister] God of encouragement and Saviour of the despairing,
[All] Comfort those who remember past sacrifices
and guide us in building a just and peaceful community for all.
A Service of Covenant Renewal with Holy Communion led by Revd George Mwaura with Revd Ernesto Lozada-Uzuriaga. The preacher is Revd George Mwaura. Click on the title above for the live stream video.
Holy God, generations know your promises, your covenant of love.
Lord of all, every promise made, you remain faithful to fulfil,
for your ways are holy and your name is holly; all honour and glory belong to you.
So hold us and let your love surround us.
Draw us to your side, and as we wait, we will rise up like an eagle,
and we will soar with you as your spirt leads us on in the power of the Holy Spirit.
An All Age Service for Climate Sunday led by Revd George Mwaura. with Revd Ernesto Lozada-Uzuriaga.
Click on the title above for the live stream video and details of the service.
Creator God, giver of life, you sustain the earth and direct the nations.
In this time of climate crisis grant us clarity to hear the groaning of creation and the cries of the poor;
challenge us to change our lifestyles; guide our leaders to take courageous action;
enable your church to be a beacon of hope;
and foster within us a renewed vision of your purposes for your world;
through Jesus Christ our Lord, by and for whom all things were made.
A Service of the Word led by Revd George Mwaura and Revd Ernesto Lozada-Uzuriaga.. The preacher is Revd George Mwaura. Click on the title above for the live stream video and details of the service.
We praise you, Lord, for witnesses through the ages
who have told your story and made you real to the next generation.
So take our lives, we pray, and let them be consecrated, Lord, to you.
Take our moments, time together and our numbered days
and let them flow in ceaseless praise to you, merciful Lord.
Help us to put into practice what we learn when we are together
and to take the message of Hope and salvation through Jesus
beyond the walls of this church, to the glory of your name.
A Service of Holy Communion Including a dedication and blessing for the new City pf Milton Keynes by Rt Revd Dr Steven Croft, Bishop of Oxford, who will also preach and celebrate Holy Communion. Led by Revd Ernesto Lozada-Uzuriaga. Click on the title above for the live stream video.
A Service of the Word marking the Windrush 75th Anniversary on Black History Sunday led by Revd George Mwaura and Revd Ernesto Lozada-Uzuriaga. Click on the title above for the live stream video and details of the service.
Let us pray, conscious that our prayer gives the Spirit a way of breaking into word and song
unique in all the universe,
so, for the words and songs within each of us, we give thanks.
Let us pray: believing we are bearers of a treasure, the Spirit of Life blessing us with a variety of gifts,
so, for the treasures we each bear, we give thanks.
Let us pray: mindful of God in Christ at work in our lives and of what may be possible,
so, we let go, allowing the Spirit to work freely in each of us.
Let us pray: inviting the Spirit of life, love, and goodness to move freely in our words and in our actions,
become in our lives the way to what we need, to what we can become,
and what we can do. In the name of Christ!
A Service of Holy Communion for the United Nations International Day of Older Persons, led by Revd Ernesto Lozada-Uzuriaga. Meditation by Grace Hunting and Reflection by David Rennie. Click on the title above for the live stream video.
God of the unknown, as age draws in on us, irresistible as the tide,
make our life’s last quarter the best that there has been.
As our strength ebbs, release our inner vitality, all you have taught us over the years;
as our energy diminishes, increase our compassion, and educate our prayer.
You have made us human to share your divine life; grant us the first fruits;
make our life’s last quarter the best that there has been.
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