Morning Prayer Thursday, 1 October 2020

Readings for Harvest

As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, Summer and Winter, day and night will never cease.

Genesis 8: 22 NIV®

There are a number of psalms in the Bible which celebrate the Harvest Festival. Thanksgiving psalms express praise to God who hears and forgives faults, blesses and saves; and exalts God, the Creator and Controller of the natural world.

Then the land will yield its harvest, and God, our God will bless us.

Psalm 67: 6 NIV®

During Autumn, it is customary for many churches to celebrate Harvest as a time of thanksgiving to God for his provision of food and other resources. This year we are not able to worship joyfully and fully due to the coronavirus, which has led to social isolation and destroyed many lives. Despite the fact that we are living in abnormal times, we can still give God thanks because we were blessed with good weather during summer, and ample food supplies, which helped us to survive in these trying times. Let us share with those in need through the Milton Keynes Food Bank; and also to reach out to charities which are donating food and other supplies to poor countries which are being ravaged by the virus.

The trolley beside me, Food Bank poster ‘sellotaped’ in position, was gradually filling with donations. Then I saw ‘sliding eyes’ coming towards me, purposefully, the same scowl as before, the tattoo seemingly agitated with movement. I was standing where new customers came in, not on the route to the exit. But he was coming straight for me, two carriers in his hands, right into my personal space. ‘Here,’ a bag thrust towards me. My face must have shown my confusion. ‘I had a hand-out before; able to give something back now.’ He walked away through the exit.

Martin Small from Tales from the Food Bank MK

Father in heaven, all good gifts come from you.
You send the sunshine and the rain,
and it is through your love and care that we can enjoy harvest time.
Thank you for providing so richly for our needs
and help us to share the good things we have with those who have little or nothing.
Lord, we pray for your blessing on every kind of harvest that we enjoy.
Thank you for the harvest of the land and the sea.
Bless too the harvest of factory, mine and workshop.
Bless the harvest of research and the creative arts.
May we work together with you in every area of life
to produce what is worthwhile, good and fruitful.

May you be glorified in it all.

Lilian Cox, from Prayer Collection by Mary Batchelor

Creator God, we thank you for your promise that while the earth endures
seed-time and harvest, Summer and Winter, day and night, shall not fail.
We thank you for the reliability of this good earth,
for the variety of the seasons and for all the unity and contrasts of creation.
We thank you for this world’s agenda for the labours of people
and for permitting us to be partners to the earth’s activity.
We thank you that we can nourish the miracle of life upon the miracle of harvest
and we praise you for the dignity of sharing in the work of your almighty hands,
O God our Father, blessed for ever.

Dick Williams, from The SPCK Book of Christian Prayer

Give whatever you possess. Give from your heart and your heart will have peace.

The human problem is the heart turned in within itself.

Martin Luther

Church family, in our prayers, let us open our minds, hearts, and spirits to God and His Word.
God may be taking us back to basics through this destressing period;
as he is reminding us to love God, and to love our neighbour as we love ourselves.

Restore us, O God; make your face shine upon us, that we may be saved.

Psalm 80: 3 NIV®

Glynne Gordon-Carter