Morning Prayer Monday, 10 August 2020

Good morning everyone and welcome to our time together in prayer and praise this morning.

Let us start with a prayer from Bridgid of Gael from the first century who is one of the Patron Saints of Ireland.

I arise today
Through a mighty strength:
God’s power to guide me,
God’s might to uphold me,
God’s eyes to watch over me;
God’s ear to hear me,
God’s word to give me speech,
God’s hand to guard me,
God’s way to lie before me,
God’s shield to shelter me,
God’s host to secure me.


Most of us are lucky enough to be blessed with five senses.
Some people feel they have a sixth sense, but I want to consider adding a seventh – a sense of wonder.
Often easily to be found in tiny children.
Have you ever taken a toddler for a walk where every pebble and blade of grass is something to be wondered at?
By the time we are adults we have often lost that sense as life becomes more and more busy.

Take a good look at God's wonders; they will take your breath away. Psalm 66: 5

How wonderful to wake to the gift of a new day. Some of us are waking to a new working week, whether it be at the workplace or from home. Some of us have plans for the day and some of us have none. It is wonderful to know that whatever the day brings God will be there with us through thick and thin. We can mentally reach up and hold the hand of God when things get tough, how wonderful.

Our God promises, ‘I will astonish these people with wonder after wonder,’

Isaiah 29: 14

I am reminded of one of the hymns we sang in Primary School:

My God, how wonderful thou art,
thy majesty how bright!
How beautiful thy mercy seat,
in depths of burning light!

O how I fear thee, living God,
with deepest, tend’rest fears,
and worship thee with trembling hope
and penitential tears!

Yet I may love thee too, O Lord,
almighty as thou art,
for thou hast stooped to ask of me
the love of my poor heart.

No earthly father loves like thee,
no mother half so mild
bears and forbears, as thou hast done
with me, thy sinful child.

How wonderful, how beautiful,
the sight of thee will be,
thine endless wisdom, boundless pow’r,
and awesome purity!

Father of Jesus, Love divine,
what rapture it will be,
prostrate before thy throne to lie,
and gaze and gaze on thee!

At the time I didn’t know what some of it meant, but I loved the tune.

We can experience wonder in many ways. Have you ever really looked at the apple you eat? Cut it in half across its waist and you can see a beautiful star (or you might think it looks like an angel).









Or what about the humble courgette?
Cut that across and you find another of God’s wonders, a most intricate and beautiful pattern.

One positive about the present situation of not being able to rush around
is that we have time to notice more of the wonders that God has blessed us with.

Let us pray.

Father God help us to take more notice of your generous gifts to us today,
finding beauty in everything, no matter how small or large.
Help us to be grateful for your bounty.

In many places around your world there are disasters,
many people suffering, people acting in a corrupt way,
your gifts greedily consumed by some not caring what happens to others who may be without.
Father God, we pray that you help all your children to realise that
only by living the way you taught us can we help our world recover.

We are fortunate to know that you heed our prayers and care and support all those we pray for.

We pray the prayer that your Son taught us, being more mindful of every word than sometimes:

Our Father in Heaven,
hallowed by your name,
Your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever.


A Celtic Blessing

May your day be filled with blessings
ike the sun that lights the sky,
and may you always have the courage
to spread your wings and fly.

Let us go about our day noting beauty and wonder at your generosity.

Katherine Wheldon