Evening Prayer Friday, 28 May 2021

Good evening, everyone.

As we approach Trinity Sunday I’m going to start this evening’s prayer time
with a hymn of praise to God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The words are below to enable you to join in if you wish.


1 Born in song!
God’s people have always been singing.
Born in song!
Hearts and voices raised.
So today we worship together;
God alone is worthy to be praised.

2 Praise to God!
For he is the one who has made us.
Praise to God!
We his image bear.
Heaven and earth are full of his glory;
let creation praise him everywhere.

3 Christ is King!
He left all the glory of heaven.
Christ is King!
Born to share in our pain;
crucified, for sinners atoning,
risen, exalted, soon to come again.

4 Sing the song!
God’s Spirit is poured out among us.
Sing the song!
He has made us anew.
Every member part of the Body;
given his power, his will to seek and do.

5 Tell the world!
All power to Jesus is given.
Tell the world!
He is with us always.
Spread the word, that all may receive him;
every tongue confess and sing his praise.

6 Then the end!
Christ Jesus shall reign in his glory.
Then the end
of all earthly days.
Yet above the song will continue;
all his people still shall sing his praise.

Let us pray:

God our Father, as you bring light into darkness
and hope to our world,
as your Son Jesus brings comfort to those suffering
and a full life for all,
as the Holy Spirit brings joy to our hearts
and everyday miracles of change in our world,
we worship you and offer you our praise.

From the Church of Scotland website

In the prayers which follow, I invite you to respond:

God of love,
hear our prayer.

Thank you, God, our Father,
for the world we live in,
for its beauty and variety.
We thank you that, as our Father, you provide for us, protect us,
and encourage us to take risks,
knowing that you will be there if we stumble or fall.
Help us to be courageous and imaginative in the way that we live
and in the things which we do to help others,
especially at this time when some are now able to go about with greater confidence,
while others continue to experience restrictions in the activities in which they can engage.
Bless those who still feel constrained and those who lack confidence
to resume all that they used to do.

God of love,
hear our prayer.

We pray for those in this country and throughout the world
who suffer from poverty, neglect, the ravages of war or the aftermath of natural disaster.
Strengthen those who work to relieve their suffering
and keep us alert to what we should do ourselves.
This evening, we remember especially those who, while living in deprivation,
are also affected by the corona virus;
those who find social distancing impossible, because they live in cramped conditions;
those who still need to walk miles to collect water each day;
those who have very limited access to medical treatment when this is essential to aid recovery.
Take away their fear and open their eyes to new ways forward.

God of love,
hear our prayer.

Thank you, Jesus, for the example you have given us.
We know our lives often fall short of the ways in which you would act,
but we thank you that we can look to you at times when our patience is tested,
or life seems unjust.
Help us to remember your example and teach us to become more like you
day by day.

God of love,
hear our prayer.

Thank you, Holy Spirit, for your presence with us and your inspiration.

Make us sensitive to your prompting and attentive to your voice
in all that we do and say.
We pray for our clergy, asking that you will strengthen them and support them
in all they do and asking that Revd George will soon be restored to full health and strength.
We pray too for members of the Ecumenical Council and others
who are making plans and taking decisions about the reopening of our church building
and the resumption of regular activities.
We thank you for our volunteers, some of whom have returned
to offer their services and welcome visitors to our building again,
and others who would love to return, but are still unable to do so.
May they feel your presence with them and know that they are not forgotten.
May we all commit ourselves to respond to the prompting of your Spirit,
for our personal growth and for the coming of your kingdom.

God of love,
hear our prayer.

Holy Spirit, comforter, we ask that you will be close to all who suffer in mind or body –
the sick, the anxious, the lonely and all who have been bereaved.
We ask that they may know your healing presence.
Help us to show your love in all our dealings with others.

We ask all our prayer in and through the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour.


Rosemary Kearsey