Tagged: Mwaura

Sermon for Sunday, 24 May 2020

By Revd George Mwaura Responding to the COVID-19 crisis: Psalm 46 and Luke 21:5–11 Let us pray together: God of time and space, may your guiding spirit speak to us your reassuring words in these anxious times for our hearts are desperate for your consolation. Amen Now having been quarantined at home against our wishes has...

Holy Communion for Sunday, 3 May 2020 (Easter 4)

Jesus says: I am the gate. Come, and be loved.
Come, and receive peace. Come, and find life.

Good morning my dear friends:

God is good?
All the time.
And all the time?
God is Good.

How wonderful for us to connect again in worship this Sunday morning. Indeed, God is good!

Click on the heading to access the full service, with recordings.

Sermon for Sunday, 19 April 2020 (Easter 2)

Show me your hands
I heard of a funny incident involving a child of one our ministers during these days of lockdown. A few weeks ago, his five-year-old son rushed in from playing outside at dinner time and sat at the table. His mother looked at him and said, ‘Young man, let me see your hands.’ The poor boy attempted to rub the dust and muck off on his khaki shorts before he held them up. His mother looked at them and asked, ‘How many times do I have to remind you that you must wash your hands before you eat? When your hands are dirty, they can carry corona germs and you could get sick. After we say grace, I want you to go to the kitchen and wash them.’ Obediently, after grace the little boy got up and headed to the kitchen, but halfway there, he stopped, turned and said to his mother, ‘Jesus and germs; Jesus and germs; that’s all I hear around here and I haven’t seen either of them!’

Click on the heading to see the full sermon.

Sermon for Palm Sunday, 5 April 2020

by Revd George Mwaura Based on Isaiah 50: 4–9a and Mathew 21: 1–11 While reflecting on the passages before us and the message that I want share with you, in light of the ongoing pandemic, I have been very careful not to trivialize the pandemic, at the same time not allowing it to take control of...