Service of the Word, Sunday 31 January 2021

This Service will be by Zoom. This is the link:
Full details on how to access the Zoom service can be found here.
A recording of the service will be posted here when it is available.

Led by Revd Ernesto Lozada-Uzuriaga

Preacher: Revd George Mwaura

Gathering Music


We light a candle …

Prayer of the Week

Christ the living word;
you are the source of all authority in heaven and on earth.
All that is and was, was made through you.
When you spoke in the synagogue, everyone was astonished by your authority
and the integrity of your words.
You spoke your sacrificial authority on the cross
and thereby broke the barriers created by sins.
Help us, who are imprisoned by the slavery of sin,
to speak with integrity and authority into the situations of life that demand your light.
By the authority of your name, help us to approach God’s Throne of Divine Mercy
knowing our sins are forgiven in your name.


The Gathering of the People of God

Great and wonderful are the things the Lord our God has done for us.

The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light.



Prayer of Approach

In the silence and stillness let us open our hearts and lives to God,
that we may be prepared for his coming as Light and Word, as Bread and Wine.


Loving God,
you have searched us and known us, our blindness, our frailties,
our fears and our selfishness.

In sorrow we confess
that we have sinned against you
and disobeyed your command to love.
Forgive us, for the sake of your Son, Jesus Christ,
who became like us that we might become like him.



The true light that gives light to everyone has come into the world.
To all who receive him, he gives power to become children of God.

This is Christ’s gracious word:
‘Your sins are forgiven.’

Thanks be to God.


The Song of the Incarnation

The grace of God has dawned upon the world with healing for all.
The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light:

Light has dawned upon us, dwellers in a land as dark as death.
For a child has been born for us, a son given to us.

God is love;
and his love was disclosed to us in this,
that he sent his only Son into the world to bring us life.
We know how generous our Lord Jesus Christ has been:
he was rich, yet for our sake he became poor,
so that through his poverty we might become rich.

God has spoken to us in the Son whom he has made heir to the whole universe.
The Word became flesh and came to dwell among us.
We saw his glory, such glory as befits the Father’s only Son, full of grace and truth.

Bible Readings

Deuteronomy 18: 15–20

15 The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your fellow Israelites. You must listen to him. 16 For this is what you asked of the Lord your God at Horeb on the day of the assembly when you said, ‘Let us not hear the voice of the Lord our God nor see this great fire anymore, or we will die.’

17 The Lord said to me: ‘What they say is good. 18 I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their fellow Israelites, and I will put my words in his mouth. He will tell them everything I command him. 19 I myself will call to account anyone who does not listen to my words that the prophet speaks in my name. 20 But a prophet who presumes to speak in my name anything I have not commanded, or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods, is to be put to death.’


This is the word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.

Mark 1: 21–28

Jesus drives out an impure spirit

21 They went to Capernaum, and when the Sabbath came, Jesus went into the synagogue and began to teach. 22 The people were amazed at his teaching, because he taught them as one who had authority, not as the teachers of the law. 23 Just then a man in their synagogue who was possessed by an impure spirit cried out, 24 ‘What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are – the Holy One of God!’

25 ‘Be quiet!’ said Jesus sternly. ‘Come out of him!’ 26 The impure spirit shook the man violently and came out of him with a shriek.

27 The people were all so amazed that they asked each other, ‘What is this? A new teaching – and with authority! He even gives orders to impure spirits and they obey him.’ 28 News about him spread quickly over the whole region of Galilee.


This is the Gospel of Christ.
Praise to Christ our light.


Revd George Mwaura

Music response…


Let us declare our faith.

We believe in God the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named.
We believe in God the Son, who lives in our hearts through faith, and fills us with his love.
We believe in God the Holy Spirit, who strengthens us with power from on high.
We believe in one God, Father Son and Holy Spirit.


Prayers of Intercession

David Moore


We say together the prayer that Jesus gave us:

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your Name, your kingdom come, your will be done,

on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial
and deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours, now and for ever. Amen.


Prayers and Dismissal

Let us pray.

Visit our homes, O Lord, we pray, and drive far from them the snares of the enemy;
may your holy angels dwell with us and guard us in peace,
and may your blessing be always upon us.


See that you are at peace among yourselves, my children, and love one another.
Follow the example of the wise and good and God will comfort you and help you,
both in this world and in the world which is to come.


The sending of the light


May he, who by his incarnation gathered into one things earthly and heavenly,
fill your lives with his light and joy and peace;
and the blessing of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,
remain with you always.


We go in the peace of Christ.

Thanks be to God.