Music for the Online Service on Sunday, 13 December 2020

[The following is a list of music from the Service of Holy Communion on the Third Sunday of Advent, 13 December 2020]


Improvisation on the tune ‘Dundee’ (The people that in darkness sat)
Adrian Boynton

Short Introit

O Nata Lux (O Light, born of Light, you who are deigned to become clothed in flesh for the sake of the lost)
by Thomas Tallis


Light of the world, you stepped down into darkness
Composed by Tim Hughes

Choral Reflection after Sermon

“O Thou that tellest good tidings to Zion”
Composed by George Fredrick Händel from the oratorio ‘Messiah’
The Chamber Choir and Orchestra of Christ the Cornerstone


The people that in darkness sat a glorious light have seen
Words: John Morison
Tune: DUNDEE, arranged by Thomas Ravenscroft


O come, O come Emmanuel
Words: Translated from the Latin by J. M. Neale
Tune: VENI EMMANUEL – adapted by Thom­as Hel­more.
Sung by the Choir of Christ the Cornerstone


Theme and Variations for organ
By Hendrick Andriessen