Morning Prayer Tuesday, 12 October 2021

O God, our help and our hope – thank you for the privilege of another day lived with you. Another day to experience your wondrous love and to be in fellowship with each other and the opportunity to share that through prayers, words of encourage and pictures of flowers.  And thank you for the unexpected sunshine and warmth for time of year, we have enjoyed in  the last few days.

And now we enter your presence with gratitude and reverence; grateful that we are privileged to be called your children and you, our father.  As such we can come before you with confidence and intercede for our loved ones and ourselves, our city and our world.

Lord, in your mercy – hear us as we pray

We remember before you those we love and others who are known to us.  People in our own community at Cornerstone, our family members and friends – many scattered across the globe.   We remember those who are unwell and suffering in body, mind or soul.  Lord grant your healing and your comforting presence.   We pray for those who care for the unwell.  We ask that they be given strength, patience and grace.

Lord, in your mercy – hear us as we pray

We pray for leaders of nations everywhere – may the spirit of wisdom and desire to serve be the guiding force for them, so that your people everywhere, especially the poor, the powerless, marginalised and fearful may experience justice and prosperity.  We pray for our own leaders as they wrestle with a challenging economy following both Brexit and the pandemic.  We pray that our leaders will make decision that will ensure the weakest and poorest in our society are not further disadvantaged particularly as energy prices go up as we enter winter. Grant the leadership not only wisdom but also compassion.

Lord, in your mercy – hear us as we pray

We thank you for the leadership here at Cornerstone and continue to hold them in your presence so that your spirit continues to guide them as they lead us in worship and in outreach to the community.  We pray for those in the trading company and the various committees, (particularl finance) that ensure the various activities of the church continue to run effectively.

Lord, in your mercy – hear us as we pray

Lord, we give back to you this day you have given us so graciously.  Help us to see you in each other, in nature and in what we say and are today.  Let that be our offering to you today and everyday. Help us to live this day with and for you.


Maggie Malama-Kean