Daily Prayers Wednesday, 14 September 2022

Prayers for the Day, Wednesday

Good morning, Cornerstone Friends.

Remembering that we are still in a time of mourning for the Queen, let us pray with gratitude for and inspiration from her life.

Faithful God,
We remember with thanksgiving and gratitude the life and service of Queen Elizabeth. We have been inspired by her dedication and faith, her commitment to the welfare of our nation and her lifelong devotion to the peoples of the Commonwealth. As we pray for her family and with our nation, may the integrity of her public service, her concern for the common good and her steadfast commitment to good governance inspire all those in public office, in the UK, the Commonwealth and across the world to uphold the rights of all peoples in the pursuit of justice and in the interests of peace.
(Christian Aid)

And now a prayer for this new day.

Lord of the morning,
I awake to
this new day
with all of its possibilities,
it’s uncertainties,
it’s many faces,
and it’s underlying
May I be able –
in your strength –
to move
through this day
free of anger
or bitterness,
so that
when I meet my neighbour
or encounter the stranger,
I may recognise
your face.

Now a joyful song to sing to wake us up!

I will always bless the Lord,
praise his name and love his word.
Humble folk will fill with joy,
as in God I glory.

When I prayed God answered me,
from my fears he set me free;
none who trust God’s faithful love
shall be disappointed.

Those who cry are listened to,
those in need receive their due:
angels guard God’s loyal folk,
keeping them from danger.

Taste and see that God is good,
know your yearnings understood,
find your true security,
be God’s holy people.

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.

Our reading for today is Psalm 8.

Wonderful God, Creator,
the whole earth declares your greatness.

Your glory glows in the heavens.
It is babbled by babies and sung by children.

You are safe from all your enemies:
those who oppose you are silenced.

When I look at the sky which you have made,
the moon and the stars that you set in place:

Where do human beings fit in the pattern?
What are we, that you care for us?

You have made us only a little lower than yourself;
and crowned us with glory and honour.

You share with us responsibility
to care for sheep and cattle, wild things, birds and fish,
everything that lives in the sea:
to work with you, within creation.

Wonderful God, Creator,
the whole earth declares your greatness.

Now 2 prayers that we may become better stewards of God’s wonderful world.

Creator God,
Bless the tear we shed for the resources we have squandered.
Bless the sigh we breathe out for the atmosphere.
Bless the head we hang for the creatures lost and exploited.
Bless the hands we wring for the things we have broken and wasted.
Bless us as we lament,
Cradle us as we regret.
Restore us as we start from afresh.
(John Polhill)

God of Creation and Lord of life, you entrusted us to care for our environment, but in many parts of the world we have failed. Help us to realise how fragile and unstable our surroundings are, because we are not looking after creation. We need to be true stewards and to understand how the most insignificant little flowers and the tiniest insects, each creature and individual people are all part of a wondrous whole.
(C of E)

Have a blessed day.

Rosemary Goldie