Daily Prayers Wednesday, 10 November 2021
Good morning, Cornerstone Friends.
To start this morning, an Iona prayer which I love and I hope it resonates with you too.
Lord of Life
we celebrate your countless gifts,
in days and nights, in rainbows and rain,
in touch, dream and smile,
in partners who love,
in kids who cuddle,
in grannies who listen,
in friends who care,
in dogs that lick, in hands that sew,
in food on the table;
yet above all,
in your coming among us,
walking our roads,
calling our names,
enfolding our lives,
inviting us home.
Our reading for today is Psalm 25 verses 8 to 15.
The Lord is good and upright;
therefore he teaches sinners the way they should go.
He guides the humble in right conduct, and teaches them his way.
All the paths of the Lord are loving and sure to those who keep his covenant and his solemn charge.
Lord, for the honour of your name forgive my wickedness, great though it is.
Whoever fears the Lord will be shown the path he should choose.
He will enjoy lasting prosperity, and his descendants will inherit the land.
The Lord confides his purposes to those who fear him;
his covenant is for their instruction.
My eyes are ever on the Lord, who alone can free my feet from the net.
Loving God, we pray that today you will teach us the way that we should go, how to keep your commandments and to treat all those we come into contact with lovingly and humbly. Help us to keep our eyes firmly fixed on you.
As COP26 continues in Glasgow, let us in words from Iona, confess our negligence and ask that God will open our eyes to see the way forward.
O God , your fertile earth is slowly being stripped of its riches, open our eyes to see. O God, your living waters are slowly being choked with chemicals, open our eyes to see.
O God, your clean air is being filled with pollutants, open our eyes to see.
O God, your creatures are slowly dying, and your people are suffering, open our eyes to see.
God our maker, so move us by the wonder of creation, that we repent and care more deeply.
So move us to grieve the loss of life, that we learn to cherish and protect your world.
Let us now pray for all those involved in COP26.
Loving Father, we give thanks for what has been achieved so far and pray for all that we hope is to come. We ask that what has been promised will not turn out to have been empty words but a real commitment to be seen through in the time promised. And Father we pray that we , each one of us in our own way, will play our small part in stopping climate change. We each individually may think that there is little that we can do but working together we know that we can make a huge difference.
A prayer for the Cornerstone.
Loving God, help us we pray to be living stones, to serve you and one another and to show through our lives and words your great love for us and all our neighbours near and far. And may our building be a place of succour to those who come there looking for help and support.
A prayer for all those known to us.
Loving God, we bring before you our families, our friends, our neighbours, our work contacts and all those with whom we are involved. Some will be happy, some will be sad, some will be healthy and some will be sick, some will be employed and some will not, some will be well fed and some will be hungry. Help us to stretch out our hands, to give generously of our time and our money and to do all that we can to help.
To finish, the words of a hymn that we sang recently at a Sunday morning service.
Oh the love of my Lord is the essence
of all that I love here on earth.
All the beauty I see
he has given to me
and his giving is gentle as silence.
Every day, every hour, every moment
have been blessed by the strength of his love.
At the turn of each tide
he is there at my side,
and his touch is as gentle as silence.
There’ve been times when I’ve turned
from his presence,
and I’ve walked other paths, other ways.
But I’ve called on his name
in the dark of my shame,
and his mercy was gentle as silence.
Have a blessed day, Cornerstone Friends.
Rosemary Goldie