Daily Prayers Tuesday, 31 May 2022
Today, as we begin the day, let us quieten our hearts and listen to the quiet still voice of our father – the King of Kings. Let us maintain silence and hear the whisper of his voice. Let us hear again that we are, each of us, precious in his sight. We are loved. We are held.
Let us be still and meditate on his goodness to us. Let us remember with gratitude much we often take for granted.
Thank you for the breath that gives us life, moment by moment.
Thank you that we enjoy peace and freedom in this country.
Thank you that many of us also enjoy health and the comforts of shelter, food, family and friendship.
In the silence of our hearts, we bring before God those known to us who are struggling in different ways. Those who are in pain – such as Margaret Horner recovering from a recent fall and Thembi’s mother who is unwell. We also pray for others whom we each know who are struggling with ill health.
We pray for those who are struggling with loneliness, mental health, inadequate creature comforts and the stress that that brings with it. We are aware that many people are really struggling with the cost of living across this city as well as across the country. We are aware Lord that we do not suffer from lack or food or clothing either in this country or around the world. The issue is distribution – help us to play our part in helping make the structural changes so that no one goes hungry or without shelter. But help also to see our neighbour and show us what we can do today make a difference to one person or family.
We continue to pray for the leaders in our city, country and the world. We ask that your spirit give all leaders the wisdom of Solomon. We pray particularly as they seek ways of ending the war in Ukraine. Lord, have mercy on your people. Show the world leaders and us all how to achieve and keep peace. As we feel helpless, help us not to turn away from the suffering of our brothers and sisters. We remember also those in Russia who oppose the war and are being punished for it. Lord, grant us strength, to do whatever we can do.
As we end our time of prayer, we pray for your church at Cornerstone. Help us to be the Oasis of Hope we seek to be. Lead us all to see each other as you see us. You look at us each day, with love. You are willing to forgive when we have wronged you or each other. Help us to be Christ to one another – so that the world can see your love in each of us and in all of us. Help us to welcome those who come to visit us -maybe only passing through or looking for a spiritual home.
Grant the ministerial team, and all who serve your church in various committees and children’s ministry, a special measure of your spirit and wisdom.
Lord, hear our prayers today and always. Amen.
Maggie Malama-Kean