Daily Prayers Tuesday, 29 March 2022

Prayers for the Day, Tuesday

As we begin this day, let us come with humility before the throne of our God and our father.

Let us bow our heads and hearts before the King of Kings.   Let us hold silence…

Before we pray and intercede for the world, we want to give thanks for so much goodness that many of us enjoy day in and day out.  Many of us have good health, we have enough to eat. We have friendships and family and we have shelter. We enjoy democracy and all the freedoms it affords.   Give us hearts full of gratitude especially as we see what life could be, and what it is for many millions of people.

Lord we come with hearts full of sorrow for the suffering that we see in Ukraine and Russia.  We mourn for the loss of life – and other losses- of things both physical and intangible.  We ask for your presence with those that are injured, and for those caring for the injured and dying.  We pray you will encircle those who are terrified – for those who are being retraumatised as a result of the images and stories they hear.

Thank you for the show of generosity that we are seeing – so many are happy to open their homes to care for the refugees.  Many more are giving what they can to ensure the refugees are fed, clothed and are sheltered.

We pray for other wars and suffering around the world.  As the focus is on Ukraine, we ask that we will all be reminded that suffering in other parts of the world continues.  We think especially of Afghanistan – particularly of the women there. We remember the conflicts in Ethiopia and Eritrea and Yemen.  Lord, we pray that we will not forget the suffering that goes on outside the headlines.  We pray for those that would keep the fires of hostility going in all of these wars – we ask that they would be convicted and seek peace. Lord, we pray for all leaders around the world – may they be given wisdom to lead your people.  We pray that that wisdom will blend with the spirit of peace.

Here at home, we remember the many people, who as a result of austerity and the current high cost of living are struggling to have enough to eat, feed their families and or to put a roof over their heads.  Help us to challenge the structures that keep people in poverty and that leave many powerless to change their circumstances and improve their lot.  We pray for those in government and other positions of power that seek to make our country a better place for everybody not just a select few.

And for each of us, as we face this day, grant that we will seek in all we think, do and say, to be led by your spirit. Help us be the Christ to one another.  Help us to show the fruits of the spirit today and show that your Kingdom is here on earth.


Maggie Malama-Kean