Daily Prayers Tuesday, 10 May 2022

Prayers for the Day, Tuesday

As we approach the throne of the immortal, invisible and omnipotent God who has chosen to be Abba father to us; let us keep silence.  Let us be still and allow his spirit to speak to our hearts.  Let us listen and hear as he reminds us of his love for us. Let us hear him remind us, that he is all powerful.  That despite what our eyes may see, our ears hear and even when our spirits cry out in despair – he remains God. He remains our father.  Let us listen to him before we seek from him.

Lord hear us – graciously hear us as we pray.

Gracious Lord and father.  We thank you for your continuing goodness to us.  Thank you for the freedoms so many of us take for granted.  Thank for the comforts we enjoy and also take for granted. As we witness the suffering in Ukraine and Russia, we ask that we constantly be reminded of how blessed we are and how grateful we should be.  Our hearts cry out to you – we pray for those that perpetuate this and other wars.  We pray that your spirit will work in their hearts and that instead, peace will become their aim.

Lord hear us – graciously hear us as we pray.

We want to remember those in all wars around the world who are mourning the loss of loved ones.  Those who are living in fear.  Those who are going without food.  Those who are in physical and psychological pain.  For those who are crying out for help.  Father hear their prayers – hear our prayers and deliver them.

Lord hear us – graciously hear us as we pray.

We pray for those that lead us in this country.  We pray for wisdom and for integrity.  We ask that you have mercy on your people who groan under the current economic burden.  Help us to focus on what we have.  Help those of us who have plenty to be generous.  Remind us to be our brother’s keeper.  Help us to challenge the structures that keep people in situations of poverty.  That allows some to take advantage of the marginalised and powerless.

Lord hear us – graciously hear us as we pray.

As we begin today, help us to seek silence and hear your voice.  Help us to keep our minds on those things that are noble, pure, right, lovely and admirable.  Let see in each persons face we encounter today, the face of Christ


Maggie Malama-Kean