Category: Prayer of the Week

Prayer of the Week 28 August 2022

Lord, we thank you for the gift of children and young people. They are our heritage from you.
We pray and ask for your blessings on them as they return to their education
 at nursery, school, college, university or apprenticeship.
We thank you for their parents, guardians, grandparents, teachers, lecturers, neighbours, friends,
and all who care for them.
We pray that you will keep them safe
and that sufficient resources will be devoted to their learning and well being.
Let the weak be listened to; the strong be considerate
and bridge the gaps of inequalities in their places of learning, in Jesus’ name we pray.

Prayer of the Week 21 August 2022

Almighty God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
we can never see you in all your fullness, all your glory, all your majesty.
Your greatness is beyond our understanding, your deeds beyond our imagining,
your love beyond our deepest yearning.
You are the God we adore – certain, secure and sure.
You are God from one generation to the next, not waning or changing, but forever our God.

Prayer of the Week 14 August 2022

We give you thanks for variety and richness, for friend and neighbour.
We give you thanks for examples set and lessons taught.
We give you thanks for stories told and journeys shared.
We give you thanks for reconciliation and resolution.
We give you thanks for healing and redemption.
We give you thanks for acceptance and forgiveness.
We give you thanks for the chance of a fresh start.
We give you thanks for the gentleness and care of others in our vulnerability and need.
We give you thanks for time and space.
We give you thanks for
people who have journeyed with us, held our hands and been our crutch.
We give you thanks, dear God, for inspiring so many and for simply being YOU.

Prayer of the Week 7 August 2022

We put our hope in the Lord;
the Lord is our protector and our help, the root of our gladness and in the Lord we trust.
May your constant love be with us, Lord, as we put our hope in you.

Prayer of the Week 31 July 2022

Gracious God thank you for your love for us.
We ask that you continue to be in our brokenness and bleeding world.
Bind us as families, communities and nations.
Let us know that we are all your Children:
those who know you and those who do not.
In our diversities, let us know that we are each your creation.

Prayer of the Week 24 July 2022

God of truth uncovered, you trace the sparrow’s flight and plumb the secrets of the heart:
bring our fear and conflict into the light of your presence,
so that we may lose our hollow life and find our way to you;
through Jesus Christ, the master and the slave.

Prayer of the Week 17 July 2022

God Almighty, Father and Mother, Son and Spirit, you are the Word of life.
You are the Word of truth.
You are the Word of love.
You are the Word of hospitality.
You are the one above and beyond all else.
Yours is the Word to be heard and listened to.
Yours is the voice in eternity.
You are the Alpha and the Omega.
You are the beginning and the end.
You are.
You are our God.

Prayer of the Week 10 July 2022

O Lord, you are our God,
the God of Abraham, Isaac and Joseph;
the God of Moses and Psalmists; the God of Jonah and the Prophets;
the God of Disciples and Apostles; the God of Jews and Gentiles;
the God of the good, the bad and the ugly.
Oh Lord, you are our God, you are my God,
and your promises to us are immense – beyond our imagining, beyond what we deserve.
You are our God, and we adore you
for all you are and for all your ways and for all your love, this and every day.

Prayer of the Week 3 July 2022

Creator God, you are our all, you created and crafted us.
God of the journey, you are our journey, our aim, our purpose, our goal.
God of welcome, you receive each of us, no matter who and what we are.
God of peace, you give us peace, and you call us to be one in you and to share that peace.

Prayer of the Week 26 June 2022

Creator God, who brought your people into a productive earth,
and sends showers of blessing that the earth shall yield its increase;
flourish within us your gift of faith that, in our worship, our churches and communities,
we may honour and renew your creation and join in obedience with others
and the created universe to give glory and praise to Jesus Christ, the first born of all creation.

Prayer of the Week 12 June 2022

God, the Holy Trinity, we come to worship you.
We worship you as Creator; we worship you as Saviour; we worship you as Sustainer.
As we worship you today in prayer and word, and song,
help us to understand you better and to follow day by day.
God, the Holy Trinity, guide and sustain us this and every day.

Prayer of the Week 5 June 2022

God of all nations, on this day of Pentecost we praise you for the power of your Holy Spirit,
equipping each of us for our life’s work.
We celebrate especially the wonderful work of our Queen,
who has put loyalty before her royalty through all the ages of her reign.
And who, day by day, has served you her God and Christ her King with humility, resilience and grace.
Thank you for all she is and all she has done to your glory.

Prayer of the Week 22 May 2022

God our redeemer, you have delivered us from the power of darkness
and brought us into the kingdom of your Son.
Grant that as by his death he has recalled us to life,
so by his continual presence with us he may raise us to eternal joy
and empower us to continue his healing work through our actions in this world.