Category: Prayer of the Week

Prayer of the Week 11 August 2024

Creator God, thank you for the freedom you have given to us all.
Forgive us for the times humankind has abused that freedom and caused hurt,
breeding resentment, anger, and revenge.
Help us to see again your love for us all
and to commit ourselves to seeing your kingdom come on earth as in heaven.

Prayer of the Week 4 August 2024

Loving God, as we look to the coming week and reflect
what it means for Jesus to be our bread of life,
we seek your forgiveness, when we use people
and value them only for what they can give us,
not for who they really are.
Help us to see you, Lord,
not only as our Saviour but as our role model,
that we might be generous in our giving
and obedient in your service.
We ask this in Jesus mighty name

Prayer of the Week 28 July 2024

Living God, like Nicodemus who came to Jesus in search of truth,
we too come seeking your wisdom and guidance for now and the days ahead.
Open our hearts and minds to the transforming power of your Holy Spirit.
Help us to understand the mystery of being born again,
and to embrace the new life you offer through Jesus Christ
who gathers us in your name and your Spirit that renews our faith day by day.

Prayer of the Week 21 July 2024

God of healing and peace,
As new creations in Christ may we go:
to witness to your power to renew us,
to overcome barriers that divide us,
and to show in our lives your reconciling love.

Prayer of the Week 14 July 2024

We come before you with hearts full of gratitude and praise.
Your steadfast love endures forever, and your faithfulness reaches to the heavens.
We thank you for being our strength and our song, and for becoming our salvation.
Lord, just as the psalmist rejoiced in your deliverance,
we too rejoice in the victory you have given us through Jesus Christ.
When we are pushed hard, feeling as if we are falling, you, Lord, are our help.
You are our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.
We will not fear, for you are with us all the days of our lives.

Prayer of the Week 7 July 2024

Father, you are the king of heaven, above all forms of earthly kingship;
Jesus, you are the king of love incarnate, our Saviour, lover of souls;
Holy Spirit, you are the spirit of divine kingship, surging among us in power and glory.
We adore you, not with gold and jewels or the symbols of earthly rulers,
but with hearts and minds open to the love and wisdom of your divine leadership.

Prayer of the Week 30 June 2024

Living and Loving God, just as you restored health to the woman who touched Jesus’ robe and brought life to Jairus’ daughter, we come to you in faith, believing in your power to heal and restore. Touch our lives and the lives of those we hold dear, that we may experience your miraculous healing in the coming week. Strengthen our faith to trust in your timing and your will in n Jesus’ name.

Prayer of the Week 23 June 2023

Lord of all power and might, the author and giver of all good thing,
graft in our hearts the love of your Name, increase in us true religion,
nourish us with all goodness, and bring forth in us the fruit of good works;
through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.

Prayer of the Week 16 June 2024

Restless God, we know that you never rest in your love and concern for all of creation.
We know that you ceaselessly search us out, calling us to be here together
in prayer and song and word.
We know that you do not rest until justice rains down on the earth and until mercy flows like a river.
We are your people, your community, your family.
Today we open ourselves to your restless Spirit
and live in expectation of your transformative work in our lives.

Prayer of the Week 9 June 2024

Loving and merciful God, in your bountiful goodness, you nourish and sustain us with the bread of life.
As we journey through the challenges of this world, grant us the wisdom to discern your will,
the courage to follow your commandments, and the perseverance to abide in your love.
May we grow in holiness and be a light to those around us, that in all things, your glory may resound.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Prayer of the Week 2 June 2024

God who made the soil and sky, may our praise reveal your beauty.
In your mercy, grant us the wisdom to care for the earth and till it.
Help us to act now for the good of future generations and all your creatures.
Help us to become instruments of a new creation, founded on the covenant of your unconditional love.

Prayer of the Week 26 May 2024

God in three persons, on this Trinity Sunday
we’re struck by the perfect unity and diversity within your nature.
We, as your image-bearers, are called to reflect this in our communities.
Just as you three persons work together in harmony,
teach us to value and celebrate the unique contributions of those around us.
May our differences be a source of strength, not division.
As the Father, Son and Spirit share the same essence,
remind us that our shared identity in Christ is greater than any earthly distinction.
Help us build each other up, rather than tear down with comparison or competition.

Prayer of the Week 19 May 2024

Living God, you sent the Holy Spirit to breathe life into your church.
Let us no longer be captives to fear, but messengers of your saving love,
so that all may be reconciled to you.
Let your Spirit of truth abide with us so that we may live in hope,
grow in faith, and keep your commandments of love;
in the name of the Risen Christ who promised and sent the empowering Spirit.

Prayer of the Week 12 May 2024

Generous God, we thank you for the good gifts we receive from you:
for skills and abilities, for opportunities to serve.
We ask for the gift of discernment
that we may know our own gifts and recognise the potential in others.

Prayer of the Week 5 May 2024

Gracious God, we are gathered here today as one body, because you chose to call us your friends.
We come from all walks of life. We have had our share of good days and bad days.
In the world’s eye, we aren’t good enough or worthy enough to have this bond;
but in your sight, we are exactly who you need.
Despite all the drama, we made it here to worship and praise your name.
May the love we experience today in worship restore us, revive us, refresh us.
Thank you for loving us and calling us your friends.