Category: Prayer of the Week

Prayer of the Week 24 November 2024

Loving God, we acknowledge and celebrate the kingship of our Lord Jesus Christ.
He is the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords,
the one to whom all authority in heaven and earth has been given.
We thank you for his perfect life, his atoning death, and his triumphant resurrection.
As we await his return, help us to live as loyal subjects of our King.

Prayer of the Week 17 November 2024

We sing our song of thankfulness to you, Creator God, for beauty, life and adventure.
We sing our song of praise to you, Lord Jesus, for Scripture, forgiveness and hope.
We sing our song of appreciation to you, Holy Spirit, for joy, fellowship and grace.
We sing our song of faith to you, Holy Trinity,
with all our heart and mind and strength.

Prayer of the Week 10 November 2024

God of peace, as we remember those who have given their lives in service to their country.
We pray for peace in our world and an end to conflict.
Grant that all people and nations may work together in harmony,
and that the sacrifices of those we remember today may not be in vain.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Prayer of the Week 3 November 2024

Holy God, generations know your promises, your covenant of love.
Lord of all, every promise made, you remain faithful to fulfil,
for your ways are holy and your name is holly; all honour and glory belong to you.
So hold us and let your love surround us.
Draw us to your side, and as we wait, we will rise up like an eagle,
and we will soar with you as your spirt leads us on in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Prayer of the Week 27 October 2024

Gracious God, in the changing seasons of life, you remain faithful.
Even as the leaves turn golden and the harvest is gathered in,
we know that your steadfast love endures for ever.
Thank you for your constant care, from seedtime to harvest.
May our lives bear fruit that glorifies you, just as this abundant harvest testifies to your goodness.
We pray with thanksgiving, giving all glory to you, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Prayer of the Week 20 October 2024

Lord, thank you for the precious gift of baptism,
that we can publicly declare our love and passion for you.
Lord, we ask for your goodness and blessings to be poured out on this faithful servant.
We pray that you would work deeply within their heart and soul to renew and refresh them each day.

Prayer of the Week 13 October 2024

Loving Lord, you know us better than we know ourselves.
As we come together to worship you and celebrate Black History Sunday,
help us to explore our relationship with you and one another.
May your words and challenges strengthen and affirm us. May your love sustain us and guide us.
May our worship be acceptable to you. In Jesus’ name.

Prayer of the Week 6 October 2024

Living God, like the psalmist, we come before you, seeking vindication and examination.
We pray that our hearts and minds are pure before you. That we may walk in integrity and faithfulness.
Search us O Lord, and know us, testing our thoughts and intentions.
We long to be in your presence, to sing songs of thanksgiving and tell of your wondrous deeds.
In our relationships, may we reflect Christ’s love for the church – unbreakable and enduring.
In your never-ending mercies, redeem us and be gracious to us in Jesus’ mighty name

Prayer of the Week 29 September 2024

God of glory and majesty, we praise you for your greatness and goodness, your sovereignty and grace.
You are the King of kings and the Lord of lords, yet you are also the protector of the oppressed,
the avenger of the wronged and the deliverer of the persecuted.
You are faithful and compassionate, merciful, and forgiving, loving and good.
We praise you.

Prayer of the Week 22 September 2024

Loving God, like the Psalmist, we acknowledge your steadfast love and faithfulness in our lives.
Amidst life’s challenges, we find comfort in your promise to deliver us.
May we always remember that our true strength comes not from ourselves, but from you.
Help us to embrace a spirit of servanthood, putting others before ourselves just as Christ did.
May our lives reflect your love, and may we humbly follow Jesus’ example.
May we be your hands and feet in the world,
bringing hope and light to those around in Jesus’ Mighty name.

Prayer of the Week 15 September 2024

Lord of time and space, and realms beyond our imagining,
we praise and adore you for your divinity in all dimensions.
Yet we remember the babe born as one of us,
who walked among us in all our suffering, and who is with us still:
Man, and Messiah, the hope of the world, beyond our wildest dreams.
Abide with us always we pray

Prayer of the Week 8 September 2024

Grant us, O Lord, to trust in you with all our hearts;
for, as you always resist the proud who confide in their own strength,
so you never forsake those who make their boast of your mercy;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.

Prayer of the Week 1 September 2024

Holy God, we adore you for who you are and what you have done.
You are the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, creator, and sustainer of all that is.
We thank you for your wonderful gifts of grace and truth.
You have revealed yourself to us in your Word and in your works.
You have forgiven us our sins and healed our wounds.
You have filled us with joy and peace in believing.
We adore you, O God, with all our heart, soul, mind and strength.

Prayer of the Week 25 August 2024

God of the unknown journey, you call us to follow you,
even though we do not know where you might lead us.
You do not provide us a map, but you do offer yourself as guide and travelling companion.
You do not promise an easy path, blue skies, warm sun and pleasant company.
You simply asked us to follow you.
But You provide the nourishment and strength we need for the journey
and for that Lord we honour and glorify your name.

Prayer of the Week 18 August 2024

We thank you, Almighty God, for your Word;
the wisdom within your Scriptures is comfort and counsel to our mortal minds.
And we praise you, Lord, for the gift of your Son, who walked among us in wisdom;
we are blessed if we follow in his footsteps.
Thank you, Father, that there is wisdom to be found when we seek it,
earnestly desiring to be of one mind with you.