Category: Prayer of the Week

Prayer of the Week Pentecost 31 May 2020

Almighty God, on this day you opened the way of eternal life
to every race and nation by the promised gift of your Holy Spirit.
Shed abroad this gift throughout the world by the preaching of the Gospel,
that it may reach to the ends of the earth;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.

Prayer of the Week 24 May 2020

Merciful God, we gather in humility to worship you.
Caring God, we bring to you our concerns.
Glorious God, we exalt your holy name.
Unite us; make us one in you,
that your love may strengthen and empower us
in this time of testing and anxiety.


Prayer of the Week 17 May 2020

Faithful God, who loves us in Christ Jesus, send your Spirit of truth to the world within us that we may always reject what is false, live by the commands of Christ and be true to the love you have shown us. Grant this through Jesus Christ, the Resurrection and the Life, who lives and reigns...

Prayer of the Week 10 May 2020

Gracious God,
even as we find ourselves in the upheaval caused by the devastating virus,
we pledge  to serve you and all humanity
and to strive to bring peace, justice and the relief of want and suffering,
through the Grace of your son and our Lord.

Guide us by your Spirit;
give us wisdom;
give us courage;
give us hope;
and keep us faithful now and all the days of lives.


Prayer of the Week 3 May 2020

Safe in your hand, O God,
is the flock you shepherd
through Jesus your Son.
Lead us always to living waters
where you promise respite and refreshment,
that we may be counted among those
who know and follow you.
we ask this through Jesus Christ, the resurrection and the life,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit
God for ever and ever.


Click on the heading to open the prayer with audio recording.

Prayer of the Week 26 April 2020

Loving God, whose blessed Son made himself known to his disciples in the breaking of bread:
Open the eyes of our faith, that we may behold him in all his redeeming work.
May we, too, open our doors to our neighbours, so that love and friendship can flourish, and all can enjoy the feast.
May the risen Christ walk by our side and never, ever leave us.

Click on the heading to access the audio recording.

Prayer of the Week 19 April 2020

Risen Lord, as we gather today, may we see you and hear you,
may we feel you and touch you, may we know your presence with us now.
As the disciples in the locked room reached out and touched you,
let us reach out and touch you today, living Lord Jesus.
Let us feel your scarred hands and feet.
Let us put our hands in your side.
Let us be still and know that you are our conquering Lord even in these troubled times


Prayer of the Week Easter Sunday, 12 April 2020

Risen Lord Jesus,
we adore you and praise your name.
Today you defeated death and rose again.
You died on the cross that we might be free.
Thank you, risen Lord, that you did this for us,
so that we might enjoy the freedom of eternal life.
Risen Lord Jesus,
we love you, we worship you, we adore you.

Prayer of the Week Palm Sunday 5 April 2020

Healing God, as we prepare to worship you in our own homes,
we raise our palms and branches and shout together:
Hosanna to the Son of David!
We draw close to you humbly on this day that caused disturbance and disruption
just like our Lord who came to set us free and to change things for ever.
We too shout with joy: Hosanna to the one who comes in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna to the King who will surely save us!


Prayer of the Week 29 March 2020

God of new life, we give you thanks and praise today.
As we gather virtually in your name this week, may we know your resurrection power in our lives.
May our spirits be renewed, and our bodies be restored.
Let the same spirit that brought Lazarus out of the grave, and raised you to new life,
dwell in each one of us today and all the days of our lives.
We thank you immensely:
for your constant presence, for holding us and comforting us;
for crying with us when we are hurting; for weeping with us when we are broken-hearted.
Thank you, Lord, that you never let us down, but constantly give us hope.
We are here to give you our praise and thanksgiving from deep within us.

Prayer of the Week 22 March 2020 Mothering Sunday

Christ our Lord, you understand perfectly the joys of an earthly home and a mother.
Please accept our gratitude for all the love we have received in our homes
and especially from our mothers who gave birth to us and nurtured us.
Hear our prayers for mothers everywhere, that they may never lose heart
nor ever be taken for granted, but receive from their children
the honour and love you showed to your mother, Mary, even as you suffered on the cross.

Prayer of the Week 15 March 2020 Lent 3

O Lord, you found faith in unexpected people
and those scorned by the religious people of your time.
Help us to live in your church so close to those outside it,
that we may know and share true faith across borders.

Prayer of the Week 8 March 2020 Lent 2

As we gather in this sanctuary this morning,
let our hearts rejoice in the promise of eternal life.
Let us approach the throne of divine mercy to worship the living and loving God
as our ancestors have faithfully worshipped: in truth and in spirit.
And let us give thanks for everything today and all the days of our lives.

Prayer of the Week 1 March 2020 Lent 1

Heavenly Father,
your Son battled with the powers of darkness, and grew closer to you in the desert;
help us to use these days to grow in wisdom and prayer
that we may witness to your saving love in Jesus Christ our Lord.