Category: Prayer of the Week
God of our past, present and future,
help us to see you at work in your creation –
as flowers lift their heads to the sun, or trees shake their leaves.
Help us to see you at work in our daily lives, in our routines and choices,
in our growing and our changing.
Help us to see you at work in all things.
In Jesus’ name.
Living God, we thank you for seeking us out – as a shepherd seeks his sheep.
We thank you for keeping us safe – for standing with us in adversity and for blessing us with all that we have.
Help us to listen more to you than we do right now and give us the faith to follow you more perfectly,
in the name of the one who rose from the grave by your power.
Risen Christ, when darkness overwhelms us, may your dawn beckon.
When fear paralyses us, may your touch release us.
When grief torments us, may your peace enfold us.
When memories haunt us, may your presence heal us.
When justice fails us, may your anger ignite us.
When apathy stagnates us, may your challenge renew us.
When courage leaves us, may your spirit inspire us.
When despair grips us, may your hope restore us.
And when death threatens us, may your resurrection light lead us.
Gracious God, who sees through the gloom of our fears and the shades of our doubts,
we seek today to see Christ among us here at the Church of Christ the Cornerstone,
where he gathers all who hunger and thirst for new life and truth.
Today we proclaim our faith anew in Jesus, and look to you for a deeper understanding of how we are to live as people of faith.
Pour out your Spirit upon us as we start a new week and open our eyes that we may see Jesus in the everyday and doubt no more.
Amazing God, we praise you that from the silence of an empty tomb, a message of joy has spread around the world.
From the brutality of a death on the cross, healing love has touched the earth.
We pray earnestly for this healing love to touch Ukraine.
From the initial uncertainty of the first disciples, your church has grown and reached out in faith to all.
Thank you for Easter, thank you for life, thank you for your underserved Grace.
Wonderful God, thank you that you meet us right here
where we are sitting in the ordinary stuff and activities of this day.
As we journey through Holy Week, may we recognise you in Christ Jesus,
be empowered to live like him to live into the preciousness of the life that you sustain in us.
Gracious and life giving God, you who make all things new by your saving and creative love,
you who redeem the lives of your servants and reach out to those who are lost, come to us by your spirit we pray.
Sprinkle within our hearts the fragrance of your living word so that we may produce scents that are pleasing to you.
Reveal to us the things that you want us to see and strengthen us as we walk as pilgrims through this world.
We ask this humbly in Jesus’ name.
Loving God, we thank you for the precious gift of love,
which we receive from our Mothers, family and friends.
We give you thanks for the ability to care, nurture and love, which you have set deep within us.
Help us to use these gifts for the good of our families and friends
and to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the one who loves us so much that he gave his life for us.
God, Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer, you nurture and nourish the soil of our lives,
you watch over us patiently and expectantly, you fill us with the nutrients we need in order to grow,
and you rejoice when we too, nurture, protect and watch over others – in your name.
The house of God is our home, and in our hearts, we hold and cherish it,
through barren lands, through disappointment, through trouble within us and around us.
Through all our wandering in the wilderness of emptiness and distraction,
we are drawn here to worship and praise God, who makes a home with us,
whose presence fills and sustain us.
God of the wilderness, your Spirit leads us to face the truth, unprotected and exposed:
in our times of trial help us to resist the worship of empty power
so that we may find our true food in Jesus Christ, the broken bread.
Grant us, Almighty God, that through this yearly observance of Lent we may enter more deeply
into the mystery of Christ and draw upon its power in the conduct of our lives.
Holy God, mighty and immortal,
you are beyond our knowing, yet we see your glory in the face of Jesus Christ,
whose compassion illuminates the world.
Transform us into the likeness of the love of Christ,
who renewed our humanity so that we may share in his divinity,
the same Jesus Christ, our Lord, who live and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit.
God of righteousness, we adore you for the depth of your wisdom.
You see the light in us and in others that we fail to recognise,
for you are the source of that light, and you seek to nurture it, no matter what we have done.
God of love and light, we adore you.
Ever present God, you called us to be in relationship with one another
and promised to dwell wherever two or three are gathered.
In our community, we are many different people;
we come from many different places, have many different cultures.
Open our hearts that we may be bold in finding
the riches of inclusion and the treasures of diversity among us.
We pray in faith.
As we draw near to you, God, today, we praise your holy name
for allowing your Kingdom to break through into our lives.
We thank you for the things that are ordinary to you, God, but extraordinary to us
and we thank you for calling us to be part of your story–
ordinary people, caught in the extraordinary story of your wonderful plan for our salvation.
We give praise in Jesus’ name.