Category: News

Harvest Gift Appeal

Harvest is a time for thanksgiving. In this different and often difficult year the things that we give thanks for may be different too: The people in the front line in the fight against Covid 19 The systems that have supported us over the past months, shopworkers, delivery drivers, and others. Our family and friends. Worship...

Booking form for Sunday 13 September 2020

If you wish to attend the service at Christ the Cornerstone on 13th September then you will need to reserve a space for you and any other member of your household.  Please follow the link below to book. Note that if this is the first time you have booked here then you will have to register....

Booking form for Sunday 6 September 2020

If you wish to attend the service at Christ the Cornerstone on 6th September then you will need to reserve a space for you and any other member of your household.  Please follow the link below to book. Note that if this is the first time you have booked here then you will have to register....

Revd Ernesto Luzada-Uzuriaga on Annual Leave

Dear all, I will be away on annual leave from 1-15 August. I will switch off from everything in order to have a proper rest. In case of any emergency please contact Mark. I have made sure that the daily prayers and Sunday service will continue as usual. I am very grateful to all those who...

Reopening of the Church – COVID-19 Safety Information

On June 23rd 2020, the government announced the reopening of churches to begin from July 4th 2020. Whilst our church has already reopened for individual private prayers in the Chapel only, a plan is already in place to reopen the church for the Ecumenical Service, from September 6th 2020. The reopening date for the Catholic Service...

Bonhoeffer Anniversary

Today (Thursday, 9 April 2020) we mark the anniversary of the execution of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. I first heard of him in 1962…. His writings took me on journeys that I would not have dreamed about. He was a man who found ways of living purposefully without the need of perpetual reassurance and comfort. Through his writings...

2016 Review of the Church of Christ the Cornerstone

Every five years or so, we have a review of the Church commissioned by the Ecumenical Oversight Group of the Milton Keynes Mission Partnership. The Partnership have arranged for an experienced team of external reviewers who will be supported by three members of our Congregation. The team will be looking at our vision, mission and worship...

Week 5: The hope beyond brokenness

The Mystery of Everything – a Lent course based around the film ‘The Theory of Everything’ Week 5: The hope beyond brokenness It’s not easy to give reflections without having seen the film, ‘The Theory of Everything’, based on a book by Jane Hawking with her story of hers and Stephen’s life together, but for those of...

GOLD Bible Study Course: ‘The Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles’

Trinity College Bristol have re-branded their Open Learning bible study programme as Group-based Open Learning Discipleship project (GOLD project).

Our small, sociable group at Cornerstone has just completed a study of the Gospels of Matthew and Mark, and in March we shall begin a new study: ‘The Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles’. We meet in the Café at Cornerstone 6.00–8.00 pm on Thursday evenings: 3, 17 & 31 March, 14 & 28 April, 12 May and 9 & 23 June 2016.

If you are interested, contact Glynne Gordon-Carter or Pat Kyd (whose contact details are available to church members on the This and That website), or contact the Cornerstone Office.

Lent Study: ‘The Mystery of Everything’

‘The Mystery of Everything’ is a new and original Lent course by Hilary Brand, which takes the multi-award winning film about Stephen Hawking, ‘The Theory of Everything’, as its starting point. The course explores ways in which the mysteries of the universe and of everyday life – and the acceptance that we have more questions than answers – can reinvigorate our faith and spiritual journey. The course is based around five weekly group sessions entitled: ‘The experience of wonder’, ‘The enigma of weakness’, ‘The complexity of relationships’, ‘The encounter with frailty’ and ‘The hope beyond brokenness’.

We shall run two sessions:

Tuesdays, 7.30–9.00 pm, starting on Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Wednesdays, 1.00–2.30 pm, starting on Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Everybody welcome

Salt of the Earth: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Produced by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland Day 1 – Let the Stone be Rolled away Ezekiel 37:12–14 I am going to open your graves. Psalm 71:19–23 Your power and your righteousness, O God, reach the high heavens. Romans 8:15–21 We suffer with him so that we may also be glorified. Matthew 28: 1–10 He...

Cornerstone: a Church that lives the Gospel. What does that mean for our worship?

Conversation about Music. – The Question

Cornerstone is a church in Central Milton Keynes with a vision to live the Gospel; to be a place and a people where God’s love and justice is known and made known.
We come from many cultures; many church traditions and none. We span different ages and lifestyles.
Our mission is to recognise and release the God given potential in individuals and communities.
In all our conversations about our mission, worship has been seen as a priority.
So the question is:

Bearing in mind all that we know about the development of music in worship though the Bible and the history of the church:

How does our use of music, of all kinds, in worship, reflect and support our mission?
Can we imagine ways in which we could develop this further? ( to see more click on the title)

How can we share the good news in a world that is hostile or not very receptive to Jesus?

The report ‘Talking Jesus’ commissioned by various Christian organisations is not good read for all those engage in traditional evangelism [mission]. Yes, we need to be aware that surveys of this kind have so many variants and can be read and interpreted in many different ways. However to read that 40% of the people that took part in this survey think that Jesus is not an historical figure and 30% are put off when people talk to them about Jesus is concerning. It raises all kind of questions to our missional work. (to read more click on title)