Author: Robin.Kyd

Prayer of the Week 22 October 2023

We praise you, Lord, for witnesses through the ages
who have told your story and made you real to the next generation.
So take our lives, we pray, and let them be consecrated, Lord, to you.
Take our moments, time together and our numbered days
and let them flow in ceaseless praise to you, merciful Lord.
Help us to put into practice what we learn when we are together
and to take the message of Hope and salvation through Jesus
beyond the walls of this church, to the glory of your name.

Prayer of the Week 8 October 2023

Let us pray, conscious that our prayer gives the Spirit a way of breaking into word and song
unique in all the universe,
so, for the words and songs within each of us, we give thanks.
Let us pray: believing we are bearers of a treasure, the Spirit of Life blessing us with a variety of gifts,
so, for the treasures we each bear, we give thanks.
Let us pray: mindful of God in Christ at work in our lives and of what may be possible,
so, we let go, allowing the Spirit to work freely in each of us.
Let us pray: inviting the Spirit of life, love, and goodness to move freely in our words and in our actions,
become in our lives the way to what we need, to what we can become,
and what we can do. In the name of Christ!

Prayer of the Week 1 October 2023

God of the unknown, as age draws in on us, irresistible as the tide,
make our life’s last quarter the best that there has been.
As our strength ebbs, release our inner vitality, all you have taught us over the years;
as our energy diminishes, increase our compassion, and educate our prayer.
You have made us human to share your divine life; grant us the first fruits;
make our life’s last quarter the best that there has been.

Prayer of the Week 24 September 2023

Gracious God, it is through your abundant provision that even those who grumble
and remain discontented receive all that is required for their existence.
Guide us in learning your ways of fairness and inspire us to embody your generosity,
so we may lead a life that reflects the gospel truths
revealed to us by your Son and our Redeemer, Jesus Christ.

Prayer of the Week 17 September 2023

God of all, we come to offer you the best of ourselves:
To take hold of mercy and to let go of fear.
To take hold of generosity and to let go of resentment;
To take hold of forgiveness and to let go of sin.
To take hold of forgiveness and to let go of sin:
To take hold of gratitude and to let go of grudge.
To take hold of all your very self, in Jesus Christ our Saviour.

Prayer of the Week 10 September 2023

Gracious God, we give you thanks for all the ways your Son draws us together in community.
We pray for those unable to worship alongside those they love:
for churches in turmoil and for all places where relationships are breaking.
And we ask your blessing on ourselves, on one another,
and on all who call upon you today in Jesus’ name.

Prayer of the Week 3 September 2023

Let us meet Jesus; in him we see God.
Let us seek his presence as a friend.
Let us follow him for his way is life and truth.
He will bring us where we need to be to do God’s work and be God’s people.