Author: Robin.Kyd

Prayer of the Week 26 June 2022

Creator God, who brought your people into a productive earth,
and sends showers of blessing that the earth shall yield its increase;
flourish within us your gift of faith that, in our worship, our churches and communities,
we may honour and renew your creation and join in obedience with others
and the created universe to give glory and praise to Jesus Christ, the first born of all creation.

Service of the Word – Live streamed – Trinity Sunday, 12 June 2022

 A separate video feed of the choir is available here. Preacher: Revd George Mwaura Led by: Revd Ernesto Lozada-Uzuriaga Gathering Music Welcome Call to Worship God calls us in this moment. Jesus welcomes us to this moment. The Spirit unites us in this moment. Come and worship! [Silence] Loving God, as we gather in this...

Prayer of the Week 12 June 2022

God, the Holy Trinity, we come to worship you.
We worship you as Creator; we worship you as Saviour; we worship you as Sustainer.
As we worship you today in prayer and word, and song,
help us to understand you better and to follow day by day.
God, the Holy Trinity, guide and sustain us this and every day.

Prayer of the Week 5 June 2022

God of all nations, on this day of Pentecost we praise you for the power of your Holy Spirit,
equipping each of us for our life’s work.
We celebrate especially the wonderful work of our Queen,
who has put loyalty before her royalty through all the ages of her reign.
And who, day by day, has served you her God and Christ her King with humility, resilience and grace.
Thank you for all she is and all she has done to your glory.

Financial Giving to the Church of Christ the Cornerstone

We are grateful for anything you can give to support the work of Christ the Cornerstone in Central Milton Keynes. Giving may be through any of the following methods: the Parish Giving Scheme, online giving, giving by telephone banking or by cheque.
Click on the heading above to see the full details.

Talk and Prayers for Sunday, 22 May 2022 (Easter 6)

By Andrew and Jane Betts from Advantage Africa Talk By Andrew Betts It’s good be back at Cornerstone this morning, thanks so much for inviting us. A lot has happened since I last spoke here. Last time it was on Zoom. This time we are mostly face to face with some on live stream. Last time...

Prayer of the Week 22 May 2022

God our redeemer, you have delivered us from the power of darkness
and brought us into the kingdom of your Son.
Grant that as by his death he has recalled us to life,
so by his continual presence with us he may raise us to eternal joy
and empower us to continue his healing work through our actions in this world.

Holy Communion – Live streamed – Sunday, 15 May 2022

 A separate video feed of the choir is available here. Celebrant: Revd Ernesto Lozada-Uzuriaga Gathering Music Welcome All around us new life is emerging, though we may not see it yet. All around us, God makes things new. Let us open our eyes and see – see the new things God is doing, see God...