Holy Communion – Live Streamed – Sunday, 6 August 2023
A Service of Holy Communion led by Revd Dr Margaret Goodall. Click on the title above for the live stream video.
The Church of Christ the Cornerstone
Baptist Union / Church of England / Methodist Church / Roman Catholic Church / United Reformed Church
A Service of Holy Communion led by Revd Dr Margaret Goodall. Click on the title above for the live stream video.
Almighty God,
Your Son Jesus Christ fed the hungry with the bread of his Life
and the Word of his Kingdom.
Renew your people with your heavenly grace,
and in all our struggle and weakness sustain us by the true and living bread, Jesus our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.
An All Age Service led by Revd George Mwaura.
Click on the title above for the live stream video and details of the service.
Divine Creator, you are the one who plants seeds, casts out fishing nets,
bakes bread, and searches for precious pearls.
Transform us into living parables, so that we may become imaginative and life-affirming stewards
of the world that you have entrusted to our thoughtful and compassionate care.
A Service of the Word led by Revd George Mwaura and Revd Ernesto Lozada-Uzuriaga The preacher is Revd George Mwaura. Click on the title above for the live stream video and details of the service.
Loving and Living God, you let your sun rise on both the bad and the good.
Change our hearts and minds, so that we may learn to accept others with love,
as you have accepted us.
We pray that your Holy Spirit will grant our communities a sense of unity,
mutual respect and love as you have for us.
A Service of Holy Communion led by Revd Ernesto Lozada-Uzuriaga. Click on the title above for the live stream video.
God, you are the mighty sower, the good gardener, life-giving, constant in creation.
Christ, you are the face of the Father, casting wisdom across the ages,
your arm outstretched to sow.
Holy Spirit, you are the wind that carries the seed and causes the fruit to flourish.
Trinity of creation and salvation, we worship and adore you.
A Service of the Word led by Revd George Mwaura. The preacher is Revd Ernesto Lozada-Uzuriaga. Click on the title above for the live stream video and details of the service.
Jesus, you call us to accept your yoke that is easy, and your burden that is light.
Show us your ways and keep us from burdening ourselves or others with things that are not from you.
By Revd George Mwaura
[Bible readings: Psalm 89.12–18 and Matthew 10: 40–42]
In year 6 of my primary school days, a trip was arranged to go to Mombasa the costal port of Kenya and visit the historical city to see for ourselves marine life and sea-going vessels. It was a wonderful opportunity for village boys like me. Notices had been sent to parents with instructions about transport, accommodation, lunch, times of departure and return. For us, the trip was like waiting for Christmas. Finally, the day arrived. We grabbed our lunches and lined up for the bus. At the back of the queue, one boy began to cry because he had forgotten to bring his lunch box and would have to stay behind. …
Click on the heading to read the full text of the sermon.
A Service of Holy Communion led by Revd Ernesto Lozada-Uzuriaga. The preacher is Revd George Mwaura.
Click on the title above for the live stream video and details of the service.
Your affection for your disciples, Lord, shines out of your care expressed in this title, ‘little ones’,
which you gave to them. You were aware they were going out as lambs among wolves,
you knew they would need help and support, given through a generous, warm and comforting welcome.
You ask us, Lord, to continue to be open to receiving your little ones,
those who continue to be faithful to the work required by being faithful to your command
to go tell everyone your good news. Abide with us, merciful God. in Jesus’ name.
An All Age Service Learning about our Christian Traditions:
Holy Communion / Eucharist / The Lord’s Supper led by Revd George Mwaura with Revd Ernesto Lozada-Uzuriaga.
Click on the title above for the live stream video and details of the service.
Loving God, as we come before you today yearning to learn the mystery of the Lord’s supper,
we pray that you will be with us by your spirit.
Open our minds by the power of your Holy Spirit
that we might get a glimpse of your great love for us
and the huge sacrifice you made on the cross through your son.
May we feel your presence and be filled with your grace today and always.
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