Author: Robin.Kyd

Prayer of the Week 24 September 2023

Gracious God, it is through your abundant provision that even those who grumble
and remain discontented receive all that is required for their existence.
Guide us in learning your ways of fairness and inspire us to embody your generosity,
so we may lead a life that reflects the gospel truths
revealed to us by your Son and our Redeemer, Jesus Christ.

Prayer of the Week 17 September 2023

God of all, we come to offer you the best of ourselves:
To take hold of mercy and to let go of fear.
To take hold of generosity and to let go of resentment;
To take hold of forgiveness and to let go of sin.
To take hold of forgiveness and to let go of sin:
To take hold of gratitude and to let go of grudge.
To take hold of all your very self, in Jesus Christ our Saviour.

Prayer of the Week 10 September 2023

Gracious God, we give you thanks for all the ways your Son draws us together in community.
We pray for those unable to worship alongside those they love:
for churches in turmoil and for all places where relationships are breaking.
And we ask your blessing on ourselves, on one another,
and on all who call upon you today in Jesus’ name.

Prayer of the Week 3 September 2023

Let us meet Jesus; in him we see God.
Let us seek his presence as a friend.
Let us follow him for his way is life and truth.
He will bring us where we need to be to do God’s work and be God’s people.

Prayer of the Week 27 August 2023

Lord Jesus Christ, Messiah, name above all names,
we worship and adore you for revealing yourself to us,
becoming one of us and calling each of us by name.
In you, we discover who we truly are, for you lead us to become the people you mean us to be,
one with you and with one another in your Church.

Prayer of the Week 13 August 2023

Blessed are you, creator God of the universe, you come to us in our need.
You comfort us in our fear and rescue us when we are sinking.
We offer you the praise of our thankful hearts.
Here in this holy place we see Jesus and he calls us to come.
He calls us to follow him out of this safe place and into the difficult waters of life.
We need have no fear, as he takes our hand, lifts us up and saves us.
However small our faith we need not doubt, for he truly is the Son of God
and we come to worship him.