Author: Robin.Kyd

Prayer of the Week 31 December 2023

Abba Father, God of all power and wisdom, your glory shines in all creation.
You knew and loved us long before we came to be, and your love surrounds us now.
We bow before you in joyous exultation.
Jesus, Son of the Most High and King of kings, you were born into a lowly cradle;
love’s heart personified from cradle to cross and beyond to your kingdom throne.
We bow before you in joyous exultation.
Holy Spirit, moving upon the earth communicating and revealing God’s wisdom, love, and power,
you open hearts to receive and transform lives.
Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we bow before you in joyous exultation.

Prayer of the Week 24 December 2023

Jesus, the Light of the World, as we celebrate your birth,
may we begin to see the world in the light of the understanding you give us.
As you chose the lowly, the outcasts, and the poor
to receive the greatest news the world had ever known,
so may we worship you in meekness of heart.
May we also remember our brothers and sisters
less fortunate than ourselves in this season of giving.

Prayer of the Week 17 December 2023

Father God, thank you for your presence here today.
Thank you that you speak to us through our worship.
Thank you that you speak to us through your Word.
Thank you that you speak to us through each other.
Help us to listen to your voice as we worship.
Help us to listen to your voice as Scripture is read.
Help us to listen to your voice as we seek your truth.

Prayer of the Week 10 December 2023

God, we thank you for your persistence with us, never giving up on us;
and for the persistence of those who prayed for us that we might come into the kingdom.
You knew the right time for us.
You knew what lay around the corner for us then, and you know what lies ahead now.
Thank you for the excitement you fill us with.
Thank you for your Son Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
Thank you for the peace knowing him gives us.
Thank you for your Holy Spirit, the One who stirs up, who opens up your Word,
and helps us to put the pieces together that we might see the bigger picture
of Jesus and all that he came to be and do.
Thank you that there is always more to discover.
Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we give you thanks and praise.

Sermon for Christ the King Sunday, 26 November 2023

By Revd George Mwaura [Bible readings: Psalm 95: 1–7a and Matthew 25: 31–46] King of kings, speak to us in the shelter of this sanctuary by your Spirit and reassure us of a favourable judgement when we come face to face with you. Amen The Reader’s Digest carried a humorous story of a nurse who worked...

Prayer of the Week 3 December 2023

Eternal God, throughout countless generations
you have diligently prepared a path for the arrival of your Son.
And even now, by the power of your Spirit,
you continue to shed light upon our lives, guiding us along our journey.
We humbly ask that you renew our faith and restore our hope,
so that we may warmly embrace the reign of Christ within our hearts and minds
and express our deepest affection towards him.
To him we give eternal glory and honour.

Prayer of the Week 26 November 2023

Sovereign God, the supreme ruler of all creation,
in your infinite wisdom you sent Jesus to bear witness to the truth: that you alone are the Lord of life. Grant us the unwavering ability to heed his voice at all times
so that we may boldly proclaim his dominion of justice, tranquillity, and boundless affection;
through him, who reigns ceaseless in our hearts as King of Kings.

Prayer of the Week 19 November 2023

Creator God, who has furnished us with all that we have, we give you praise and thanks.
Remind us of our gifts when we lose sight of them. Show us where and how to share them.
Give us the courage to offer them freely, as you give to us.
What others may seek to destroy, help us to protect and care,
and give us the conviction to stand fast when we are called to do so.
This we ask of you, in Jesus’ name.
