Author: Robin.Kyd

Holy Communion – Live Streamed – Sunday, 23 March 2025

Celebrant: Revd Ernesto Lozada-Uzuriaga Gathering Music Welcome Come and seek the Lord wherever you are. We call upon God; he is always near. Let go of your unkind ways of thinking and acting. We call upon God; he always has mercy. God will cleanse us of all our wrongdoing. We call upon God; he always gives...

Prayer of the Week 16 March 2025

Gracious God, as we gather in your presence this day
remind us that you are the One who has brought us this far,
who shelters us under the shadow of your wings, who calls us to dwell in your house for ever.
Open our eyes to see your light, open our hearts to receive your love,
open our lives to follow your way, even when that path leads through difficulty.
Like Jesus, who set his face toward Jerusalem despite the dangers that awaited him,
make us faithful to your calling.

Prayer of the Week 9 March 2025

Loving God, as we begin this new week, we seek shelter in your presence,
just as the psalmist found refuge under your wings.
You are our fortress and our God, in whom we place our complete trust.
Like Jesus in the wilderness, we face times of testing in our daily lives.
When we encounter temptations to doubt your goodness, to seek power on our own terms,
or to test your faithfulness, grant us the wisdom and strength that your Son showed.
Help us to stand firm in your Word,
knowing that you alone are our true sustenance in Jesus’ Mighty Name.

Prayer of the Week 2 March 2025

Holy and transforming God, like Moses on Sinai and Jesus on the mountain,
draw us into your radiant presence.
Though we cannot bear to look upon your full glory, let your light shine through us,
making holy what is ordinary, transforming what is earthly into divine.
Speak to us from within and open our ears to hear Jesus’ voice, our eyes to glimpse your glory.
Give us courage to follow where Christ leads, down from the mountain and into the valley of service,
not by our own power, but by your grace working within us.

Prayer of the Week 23 February 2025

Merciful Father, whose Son taught us to love our enemies
and to extend grace even to those who wrong us, plant in our hearts such boundless compassion
that we might bless those who curse us and pray for those who mistreat us;
that by your Spirit we may measure out mercy as generously as we hope to receive it,
in Jesus, Mighty Name.

Prayer of the Week 16 February 2025

God of our past, present, and future, you created each one of us in your image and likeness,
help us to recognise you in each person.
As we pray for an end to suffering caused by racism, lead us this day to walk with one another,
pray with one another and work together, so that we create a future based on justice and healing,
where all can fulfil the hope, you have for all peoples.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Prayer of the Week 9 February 2025

Blessings abound when you call us, Lord:
when we encounter you in expected and unexpected places,
when you speak to our need, are balm to our woes, are a guide in our confusion,
an anchor in our uncertainty, a challenge in our complacency and love beyond measure.
How can we not live in awe of all you are, have been and will be?