All Age Worship – Live Stream , 22 August 2021

Our All Age Worship will be live streamed today.

There are two cameras, one faces the dais, covering the altar and lectern. The other camera faces the organ and choir area. The live feed from these cameras will be shown below.  You may watch both videos at once or just one. However, the size of your device may well be a deciding factor as two may fit on a laptop screen but one may only viewable at a time on a phone.

The sound may not be initially on, so please check each video. Also, you may need to adjust your sound volume for your own comfort.

If you are watching both videos at once you may wish to mute one of them. The cameras receive the same sound from the church but the streams may be staggered so you may experience an echo if both are unmuted.

Please note that the feeds will go live from around 9:45 am and will be switched off after the service. Services are not being recorded for publication later.

Altar Camera

Organ Camera

Living Stones